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- 우리는 서버리스 시대에 살고 있습니다. “Kinesis” 서버 없는 파이프라인
우리는 서버리스 시대에 살고 있습니다. “Kinesis” 서버 없는 파이프라인 Written by Minhyeok Cha 원래는 바로 작성하려 했으나, 회사 일정이 겹쳐서 시간이 많이 지났습니다. 한 달 정도 지나긴 했지만, 바로 이어서 Kinesis Data Stream에 대한 설명과 다른 서비스와의 조합 사례를 작성해 보겠습니다. Kinesis는 이전 블로그에서도 언급했듯이, Kafka에서 한번 늘린 파티션(partition)은 다시 줄일 수 없습니다. 반면 Kinesis의 샤드(shard)는 유입되는 데이터의 양에 따라 증설 및 감축이 자유롭기 때문에 운영과 비용 관리가 용이합니다. 💡 데이터 스트림을 처음 접하신다 하면 설치와 구성, 운영이 편한 Kinesis로 시작하는 것을 추천드립니다. Kinesis Data Stream은 리소스 자체를 생성하는 것은 간단하지만, 데이터 인・아웃풋 과정은 SDK, API 사용을 요구하기 때문에 테스트로 제공되는 툴을 사용한 데모와 몇 가지 사용 사례를 통해 쉽게 설명하겠습니다. 지금부터 몇 가지 사례와 간단한 데모를 통해 쉽게 설명해 보겠습니다. 목차 Kinesis Data Stream 내부 흐름 이론 파티션 키(Partition Key) 시퀀스 번호(Sequence Number) 소비자가 데이터를 읽을 때(SDK) Kinesis 사용 사례 Kinesis Firehose를 사용한 경우 앞뒤에 Kinesis Data Stream이 있는 경우 Kinesis 찍먹 데모 마무리 Kinesis Data Stream 내부 흐름 이론 AWS Kinesis Data Stream 또한 이전의 MSK와 마찬가지로 라이브 데이터 스트리밍 전송이 가능하여, 실시간 데이터를 AWS 클라우드로 스트리밍하거나 실시간 비디오 처리를 담당하는 완전 관리형 서비스입니다. 프로듀서가 데이터를 보내면 해시 함수(hash function)를 거쳐 위와 같이 레코드 값에 파티션 키(Partition Key)를 추가하고, 샤드 ID와 시퀀스 번호(Sequence Number)가 반환됩니다. 파티션 키(Partition Key) 파티션 키는 레코드를 특정 샤드에 할당하는 데 사용됩니다. Kinesis는 파티션 키를 해싱하여 해당 레코드가 어느 샤드에 들어갈지를 결정합니다. 같은 파티션 키를 가진 레코드들은 동일한 샤드로 보내집니다. 이를 통해 특정 파티션 키와 연관된 데이터가 같은 샤드에 위치하도록 보장할 수 있습니다. 시퀀스 번호(Sequence Number) 각 레코드가 Kinesis Data Stream에 추가될 때 Kinesis에 의해 자동으로 할당되는 고유한 번호이며 다음과 같은 역할을 합니다. 순서 보장 : 동일한 샤드 내에서 레코드들이 삽입된 순서대로 읽히도록 보장합니다. 소비자는 시퀀스 번호를 사용하여 레코드의 순서를 추적하고, 필요에 따라 특정 시퀀스 번호 이후의 레코드를 읽을 수 있습니다. 중복 방지 : 동일한 레코드가 여러 번 처리되지 않도록 하기 위해 사용될 수 있습니다. 예를 들어, 소비자는 마지막으로 처리한 레코드의 시퀀스 번호를 저장하고, 이후 처리할 때 이 값을 기준으로 새로운 레코드만 읽을 수 있습니다. 소비자가 데이터를 읽을 때 (SDK) 소비자는 특정 샤드에서 순차적으로 데이터를 스트리밍합니다. 이는 소비자의 SDK를 통해 조율할 수 있으며, 상세한 내용은 링크를 참고하시기 바랍니다. AT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER : 필드에 지정된 시퀀스 번호가 표시된 위치부터 스트리밍을 시작합니다 . AFTER_SEQUENCE_NUMBER : 필드에 지정된 시퀀스 번호가 표시된 위치 바로 뒤에서 스트리밍을 시작합니다 . AT_TIMESTAMP : 필드에 지정된 타임스탬프가 표시된 위치부터 스트리밍을 시작합니다 . TRIM_HORIZON : 샤드에서 트리밍되지 않은 마지막 레코드(샤드에서 가장 오래된 데이터 레코드)에서 스트리밍을 시작합니다. LATEST : 항상 샤드의 최신 데이터를 읽을 수 있도록 샤드의 가장 최근 기록 바로 다음에 스트리밍을 시작합니다. ※ SDK로 Consumer를 조율하시는 분들은 필수입니다. Kinesis는 에이전트와 라이브러리, 데이터 파이프라인 구조를 쉽게 만들 수 있는 방법을 제공합니다. 이를 통해 콘솔 상에서도 간편히 사용할 수 있어 Low 레벨의 API를 사용하는 것보다 구성이 더 쉬워졌습니다. Kinesis 사용사례 아실 분들은 아시겠지만, AWS Kinesis는 Data Stream뿐만 아니라 Firehose, Apache Flink 총 세 가지의 작동 방식을 갖고 있습니다. Kinesis Firehose 데이터 전송에 특효 Kinesis Apache Flink 스트리밍 애플리케이션 빌드 및 실행 Firehose는 간단하지만, Apache Flink는 Apache Zeppelin 대시보드를 사용해 코드 영역까지 다루기 때문에 설명이 길어질뿐더러 이번 글의 주요서비스가 아니기 때문에 설명은 생략하겠습니다. 이를 참고하여 두 가지 사용 사례를 아키텍처와 함께 설명하겠습니다. Kinesis Firehose를 사용한 경우 개인적으로 가장 자주 사용하며 쉬운 구성이라고 생각합니다. Firehose는 자체적으로 소스 및 대상을 지정할 수 있기 때문에 연결이 간단합니다. 뿐만 아니라 Firehose를 사용하여 소비자가 직접 샤드를 할당하는 것이 아닌 Stream단위로 선택하여 워크플로우를 연결할 수 있어 매우 편리합니다. 위 설명에 있듯 각각의 샤드가 갖고 있는 데이터가 다르기 때문에 SDK, API 등으로 데이터를 가져올 경우 shard_Id를 지정하여 가져오거나 shard 개수만큼 for loop 문을 사용해 가져와야 합니다. 앞뒤에 Kinesis Data Stream이 있는 경우 Apache Flink에서 Data Stream에 데이터를 KPL을 통해 다시 저장합니다. 이 방식은 위의 Firehose처럼 간단한 작업은 아니지만 Data Stream에 다시 연결하면서 AWS 타 서비스와의 연결점을 만드는 파이프라인 구축에 용이합니다. 또한 위의 사례처럼 Firehose를 사용해 각기 다른 서비스를 사용할 수 있다는 장점도 있습니다. Kinesis 찍먹 데모 데모에서는 Kinesis Firehose 사례를 설명하고, Glue Crawler를 사용해 Athena로 데이터를 출력하는 과정을 보여드릴까 합니다. 앞에 빨간색 서비스 아이콘이 있어도 걱정하지 마세요. 자동으로 만들어진 친구들이 있기 때문에 쉽게 끝낼 수 있습니다. 1. Kinesis Duo를 먼저 생성해야 합니다. Data Stream은 온디맨드로 걸어주세요. 진짜 아무것도 작성 없이도 바로 만들어집니다. Firehose도 위 아키텍처처럼 연결 구성만 해주시고 하단에 S3를 선택해 주시면 됩니다. 2. Amazon Kinesis Data Generator 처음 보는 Kinesis가 나왔지만 놀라지 않으셔도 됩니다. Kinesis Data Generator는 Kinesis에 데이터를 쉽게 삽입할 수 있도록 도와주는 도구입니다. 이를 사용해 데모를 계속 진행해 보겠습니다. 올린 링크를 들어가셔서 cloudformation 템플릿 설치 및 실행 후 cognito 계정 세팅 후 Output에 출력된 링크에 들어가 로그인하여 계속 진행해 주시면 되겠습니다. ※ 해당 링크에 들어가셔서 CloudFormation 템플릿을 다운받아 진행하시면 됩니다. 링크의 내용대로 모두 진행한 후 레코드를 보내면, 웹 개발자 도구를 통해 다음과 같이 확인할 수 있습니다. Kinesis와 S3에도 데이터가 잘 도달했는지 체크해주세요. 3. Glue 세팅 및 크롤링 DB Glue와 크롤러 설정은 간단합니다. S3를 연결하고 크롤링한 데이터를 적재할 DB를 생성한 뒤 사진 상단에 보이는 “Run Crawler” 버튼을 눌러 S3의 데이터를 크롤링합니다. Athena 쿼리 조회 결과, 데이터가 Glue 크롤링 DB에 잘 쌓인 모습을 확인할 수 있습니다. 마무리 이전에 작성한 블로그에서 제가 다음과 같은 말을 한 적이 있습니다. "Kinesis Data Streams에서는 샤드의 개수 조율이 가능합니다." 추가된 샤드에 들어오는 레코드는 새로운 샤드 중 하나에 할당되고, 이는 파티션 키의 해시 값을 기준으로 결정됩니다. 제가 처음 AWS 입문했을 때, Kinesis는 수동으로 샤드를 조정 후 Lambda를 통해 Auto Scaling을 하여 조율하도록 세팅했었습니다. 그러나 이제는 Amazon Kinesis Data Streams 온디맨드가 자동 확장이 가능하다는 것을 알게 되었습니다. MSK와 달리 이런 부분이 비용 절약 및 운영에 많은 도움이 될 것 같습니다. 데모에서도 처음에는 SDK나 Agent를 사용하여 데이터를 삽입하려 했으나, 이것저것 검색해 보니 Amazon Kinesis Data Generator라는 도구 발견하여 쉽게 테스트할 수 있었습니다. 추가적으로 써보는 개인적인 후기 보통 스트림 데이터는 MSK와 Kafka를 많이 사용하기에 저도 Kinesis를 사용해본 것은 AWS 입문 직전에 한두 번 해본 이후로 오랜만이었습니다. AWS 콘솔은 오랜만에 들어가면 콘솔 창이 수시로 업데이트가 되기 때문에 옛날 기억을 더듬어도 힘들더라구요. 그래서 매번 웹서핑하듯 한 번씩 둘러보면서 무엇이 변경되었는가 확인하는 것도 좋을 듯 합니다.
- Business Post MSP Case Study
About the Customer Business Post focuses on providing in-depth analysis and forecasts of economic phenomena and economic activities in the real economy and financial economy. Unlike general newspapers that focus on breaking news, our articles focus on digging into the background of events and accidents, pointing out key points, and predicting the future. Company : Business Post Industry : Newspaper Publishing Establishment : 2013.11 Website : https://www.businesspost.co.kr Customer Challenges Need an AWS expert partner to achieve performance, security, high availability, and cost optimization based on AWS Well-Architected Framework Requires monitoring solution to check the usage of each service Requires redundancy and security services for high security and availability Need a service that blocks aggressive traffic Requires Database migration from On-premise MySQL to RDS MySQL Aurora Proposed Solution & Architecture SmileShark provides a self-developed monitoring tool, "Shark-Mon," ensuring 24/7 operation of applications and services on behalf of the customer. "Shark-Mon" supports protocol monitoring (HTTP, TCP, SSH, DNS, ICMP, gRPC, TLS), AWS resource overview, and Kubernetes monitoring, essential for modern cloud operations. SmileShark also set up CloudWatch to collect and visualize real-time logs, metrics, and event data Operating customer’s services reliably according to SmileShark's devised cloud standard operating procedures (monitoring/failure/change/SLA) and operation service guide. Configure CloudWatch to monitor to collect and visualize real-time logs, metrics, and event data SmileShark provide a guidance to the customer enabling Multi-Factor-Authentication (MFA) to enhance account security SmileShark introduce and configure WAF services to lock aggressive traffic SmileShark configure RDS MySQL Aurora to modernize the customer database SmileShark configure AutoScaling on behalf of the customer to respond to increased traffic SmileShark build Multi-AZ for high availability Outcomes of Project & Success Metrics Reduce average time to discover infrastructure failure through CloudWatch Protect their account resources from abusing by enabling MFA The number of databases going to RDS decreases Continuous service between failures with Multi AZ configuration ※All contents provided by SmileShark are protected by related laws. Civil and criminal responsibilities may follow if you copy, distribute, sell, display, or modify SmileShark content without prior permission. If you have any questions regarding the use of content, please contact us by phone (☎: 0507-1485-2028) or email (contact@smileshark.kr).
- AWS Case Study - Ajungnetworks
How Ajungnetworks Achieved the Management of 16,000 Monthly Customers Through In-house CRM Development Context Difficulties in developing the system in-house and building the infrastructure Challenges Why Ajungnetworks chose SmileShark Container-based workloads through SmileShark's support CI/CD build-up service that enabled the implementation of microarchitecture AWS Cost and Operation Optimization Consulting Future Plans Detailed Services applied to Ajungnetworks What is SmileShark's build-up service? Ajungnetworks Architecture Introduced SmileShark's Services Ajungnetworks, Inc. (Ajungdang) Ajungnetworks Inc. (Ajungdang) is Korea's leading life solution company, integrating into daily lives with familiar products and services. Pursuing customer convenience and ease exclusively, Ajungdang is a venture company that achieved sales of 51.3 billion won within just 2 years and 6 months of its establishment without any external investment. Ajungdang is striving to resolve the information asymmetry that has been a long-standing problem in the market and provide accurate information and transparent services to customers. In addition to the existing internet, communication, and home appliance rental services, Ajungdang is rapidly expanding its business into areas closely related to daily life, such as mobile, MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator), moving services, insurance, and finance. Name Ajungnetworks, Inc. Area Life solutions Estab. June, 2021 Site. https://www.ajd.co.kr/ Difficulties in Developing the System In-house and Building the Infrastructure Challenges Q. What were the challenges you faced before meeting SmileShark? A. As our business grew, we experienced a rapid increase in customer inflow and traffic, and we began to feel the limitations of our existing customer management system. We were dissatisfied with standardized, one-way communication through chatbots or GPT. We wanted to provide a Customer Relationship Management Process Maintenance Web System (CRMS) where managers with specialized knowledge in each service sector directly managed the customer relationship system. We urgently needed a systematic and advanced system for customer CS and CX managers. To address this, we decided to develop our own service using the cloud. However, we faced many difficulties in planning and configuring the infrastructure on our own, which made it clear that we needed external support. Why Ajungnetworks Chose SmileShark Q. So, what made you choose SmileShark? A. We chose SmileShark because they demonstrated the ability to minimize the learning curve and quickly deploy and test applications through AWS ECS, meeting our requirements . Ajungnetworks was considering introducing container-based workloads for the development of its own service on the cloud. We had concerns about which service would be suitable for container-based workloads and how to efficiently manage the infrastructure. Introduced to SmileShark through AWS, we received in-depth information about SmileShark's various services, expertise, and processes during the initial meeting. SmileShark confidently assured us that they could provide the necessary support we needed, such as technical support, cost management, and infrastructure inspections. "If you are planning to set up an initial system and introduce services related to AWS cloud, we recommend collaborating with SmileShark." - Hyunki Kim, Research Director of Ajungnetworks, Inc. Container-based workloads through SmileShark's support CI/CD build-up service that enabled the implementation of microarchitecture Q. How was the CI/CD build-up service through SmileShark? A. With the introduction of AWS Code Series, we were able to quickly implement a microarchitecture that builds container images and deploys containers to AWS ECS service based on the built images when a specific action occurs from Bitbucket as the source. To efficiently use container-based microarchitecture, it was necessary to maintain Bitbucket , which we used as an application source code version control tool, and integrate it with AWS CI/CD services. SmileShark suggested introducing AWS Code Series to maintain Bitbucket and integrate it with the AWS environment. The CRMS system and process itself are heavy, and there are many difficulties because it requires a simultaneous understanding of practical and developmental perspectives. Especially when configuring the code pipeline, we were able to solve the daunting and overwhelming problems through SmileShark's technical support service. Q. What are the advantages of SmileShark that you felt during the cloud implementation process? A. While working with SmileShark, we received significant assistance in configuring CRMS. The inquiry procedures and processing processes related to technical issues were straightforward, and faster processing was possible with the care of a dedicated manager. In addition, they always responded kindly to complex inquiries and simple questions, which allowed us to increase work efficiency. AWS Cost and Operation Optimization Consulting Q. How was SmileShark's cost optimization consulting? A. By receiving cost-related metrics and analyzing the data, we understood the expected level of expenditure. However, due to internal priorities, we have not yet implemented the cost optimization report provided by SmileShark. Q. Lastly, do you have any advice for those considering choosing SmileShark? A. If you are planning to set up an initial system and implement services related to AWS cloud , I recommend collaborating with SmileShark. You can professionally and systematically access various services, and for those looking for a collaborative relationship where both operators and practitioners can be satisfied, SmileShark will be a good partner. Ajungnetworks' Future Plan Ajungnetworks Inc. has solidified its position as the number one company in the existing internet, communication, and rental business sectors. Simultaneously, it continues to expand its existing business areas, such as mobile, MVNO, moving services, insurance, and finance, closely related to our daily lives. Ajungnetworks will continue to take on new challenges, such as creating a Web & App community platform for self-employed individuals. As each business sector is rapidly growing, Ajungnetworks plans to enhance CRMS with additional functions tailored to each business group using AWS services. Detailed services applied to Ajungnetworks What is SmileShark's Build-up Service? The build-up service is where SmileShark's cloud engineers and solution architects provide solutions and hands-on support for the challenges faced by customers through the rapid implementation of AWS and accurate specification proposals. SmileShark, as an AWS Advanced Consulting Partner, possesses definite and accurate knowledge and track record in optimal configuration design, migration, and operation management. The build-up service applied to Ajungnetworks is CI/CD build-up, which is suitable for companies that require automation of software development or deployment processes through continuous integration and deployment, and for those who want to quickly provide high-quality software. It guarantees stable deployment through the construction and management of CI/CD pipelines and test automation. Ajungnetworks' Architecture Introduced SmileShark Services SmileShark Build Up | Accurate infra suggestion / Rapid deployment support SmileShark Tech Support | Get expert guidance and assistance achieving your objectives
- AWS Case Study - Opensurvey
How did Opensurvey get 1 million+ survey data collection per month through AWS migration? Opensurvey 'The new future of data’ Opensurvey redefines the value of surveys with IT technology and open the era of customer experience management. With research product, they collect the data easily and analyzes customer thoughts and behaviors specifically to help companies to make right decisions based on data. Furthermore, Opensurvey is positioning themselves as a business partner that supports companies’ continuous growth by managing customers, users, and employees survey experience. Name Opensurvey Area Customer data bussiness Estab. Feb, 2011 Site https://www.opensurvey.co.kr/ Difficulties in IDC and Cloud environment Challenges Opensurvey frequently found hardware problems while using IDC and local cloud. Also, there was a hassle between the process of bonding data distributed to two sites and Complex processes occurring based on VM. So, Opensurvey decided to implement Kubernetes to fix the problem and considered migrating IDC to the cloud environment. Why SmileShark? Opensurvey used IDC and local cloud at the same time to protect data loss . But they encountered various operational difficulties while using IDC and local cloud. As a result, they needed to migrate their services to AWS for flexible resource scaling and cost optimization to provide better services for the customers. However, it was important how to migrate more than 1 million survey data collected and analyzed every month without losing any data. So, they wanted to migrate safely to AWS with technical supports from SmileShark, AWS Advanced consulting partner specializing in migration. "SmileShark is a great partner to start AWS with. Especially for those who have used IDC or different cloud service platform." - Park Hyunmin, Opensurvey backend chapter lead Adopting Kubernetes to increase organizational flexibility Increased development flexibility Opensurvey leverages various AWS services to increase reliability. In particular, Opensurvey was able to scale up and down flexibly by migrating workloads to Kubernetes and simplified the deployment process which improved developer productivity and made efficient use of resources . Through this, Opensurvey was able to manage unexpected traffic stably even if multiple enterprise customers collected large amounts of data in a short period of time. Since Opensurvey uses the Kubernetes environment, it is easy to apply Spot instances, and when developing new services, Spot instances reduce instance costs by more than 70%, increasing the speed of new development by using them without burden. Increased business flexibility Opensurvey successfully migrated from IDC to AWS through AWS Advanced Partner, SmileShark. In addition, it was possible to respond flexibly to issues compared to the existing IDC by receiving an instance type suitable for the platform characteristics through a partner. Furthermore, increased flexibility allows Opensurvey to accept the requirements of the enterprise customers, enabling business and industry expansion. Hyun-min Park from Opensurvey backend chapter lead developer explains, “As Opensurvey grows, there are many difficulties in stably operating the service through the existing on-premises environment, so we adopted AWS services for greater flexibility.” Park also says, “In addition, we utilize AWS managed services to minimize the developer's resources and operate the service reliably . ” Transition from a consumer data platform to an experience management platform Opensurvey Next Step Opensurvey is opening a new future of data by connecting companies and consumers/users/customers based on survey data. Since the launch of ‘Opensurvey’ in 2011, they have developed a survey-based data collection and analysis product, and launched ( Feedback.io ) in 2022 to expand the product so that not only customers, users but also employee’s experience can be accumulated and managed through survey based data. Currently, the need for continuous user data collection and experience management is increasing, especially in digital companies, so they plan to continuously develop data collection and analysis products as a business partner for mutual growth. Used AWS Services Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service(EKS) Amazon Elastic Container Registry(ECR) Amazon Relational Database Service(RDS) Amazon Aurora MySQL Introduced SmileShark Services SmileShark BuildUp | Accurate infra suggestion / Rapid deployment support SmileShark Migration | SmileShark guides you through the entire migration to AWS SmileShark Tech Support | Get expert guidance and assistance achieving your objectives
- AWS 계정에 핵폭탄을 떨구다: AWS-nuke 사용법
AWS 계정에 핵폭탄을 떨구다: AWS-nuke 사용법 Written by Minhyeok Cha 최근 스마일샤크에 신입 SA 분들이 새롭게 들어오셔서 그런지 회사 내의 테스트 계정의 리소스 사용량이 압도적으로 상승했습니다. 물론 테스트 계정은 SA 분들의 테스트 및 R&D를 위해 아무런 제약 없이 사용하였으나 생각보다 많은 비용을 확인한 운영팀의 말씀 덕에 비용 관리 방법을 찾게 되었습니다. 우리는 AWS nuke라는 기능을 찾게 되었고 사용하면서 느끼게 된 점을 이번 글에 담아보려고 합니다. 해당 기능을 Prod 리소스에 사용할 뻔한 친구가 있었는데 절대 Prod 계정엔 사용하지 마세요! AWS Nuke란? 주의 사항 설치 사용법 명칭 지정 plan delete 간단 테스트 스마일샤크가 현재 쓰고 있는 AWS-nuke 구성 파일 팁 자동 AWS-nuke 실행 마무리 AWS Nuke란? AWS Nuke는 AWS 계정에서 삭제할 수 있는 리소스를 검색합니다. 즉 AWS 관리로 잡히는 기본적인 리소스를 제외한 사용자가 직접 만든 리소스를 모조리 삭제하는 도구입니다. 그렇기 때문에 AWS nuke를 사용하기 위해서는 반드시 주의해야 할 사항들이 있습니다. ⚠️ 주의 사항 ⚠️ 기본적으로 AWS nuke는 위에서 언급한 유저 직접 생성한 리소스만을 삭제합니다. 실제로 리소스를 삭제하기 위해서는 “--no-dry-run”이라는 명령어 추가가 필수입니다. 예시: “aws-nuke -c config.yml --no-dry-run” AWS nuke는 계정의 alias를 입력하여 2번의 삭제 확인 요청을 합니다. 첫 번째: 시작 후에 한번 두 번째: 삭제 가능 리소스 조회 후 한번 사람이 무시할 수 있는 계정만을 표시하는 것을 방지하기 위해 계정에 alias를 만들어야 합니다. 계정 alias는 “prod”가 들어간 문자열이 들어가면 실행이 되지 않습니다. 설정 파일에는 차단 필드가 마련되어 있습니다. nuke 하려는 계정 ID가 이 차단 목록의 일부인 경우 AWS nuke는 중단됩니다. 기본적으로 프로덕션 계정은 모두 차단 목록에 추가하는 것이 좋습니다. 설정 파일에는 계정별 설정이 포함되어 있습니다. 임의의 계정을 실수로 삭제하지 않도록 설정 파일을 지정해야 합니다. 단일 설정 파일만 보유하고 이를 중앙 저장소에 추가하는 것이 좋습니다. 설치 # Mac 설치 brew install aws-nuke # 이후 config.yaml의 경로는 다음과 같습니다. cat /opt/local/share/aws-nuke/examples/example.yaml 사용법 위에서 가져온 example.yaml 파일의 내용은 다음과 같습니다. --- regions: # nuke 실행 리전 기입 - "global" # global 리소스 전용 - "eu-west-1" account-blocklist : # nuke 블랙리스트 AWS ID - 1234567890 # 리소스 타겟 또는 제외 resource-types : # targets - 타겟 / excludes - 제외 targets : - S3Bucket excludes : - IAMUser - IAMUserPolicyAttachment - IAMUserAccessKey # nuke 진행할 AWS ID accounts : 555133742 : filters : # 삭제 대상 리소스 필터 IAMUser : - "admin" IAMUserPolicyAttachment : - property : RoleName value : "admin" IAMUserAccessKey : - property : UserName value : "admin" S3Bucket: - "s3://my-bucket" ※기존 야물 파일을 보면 이것보다 많은데, 간단한 설명을 위해 조금 간추려봤습니다. 명칭 지정 aws iam create-account-alias --account-alias testcha plan aws-nuke -c config.yaml delete aws-nuke -c config.yaml --no-dry-run ※ 실행 시 위 예제 야물이 아니라 직접 config.yaml을 만들고 사용해야 합니다! 간단 테스트 ※ 2개의 계정에 ec2를 하나씩 넣고 aws-nuke를 사용하면 실제로 삭제가 되는지를 확인하는 간단한 테스트를 진행했습니다. ※ 야물 파일에 2개의 계정을 넣어도 실행되는 건 profile에 디폴트로 선택된 계정에만 할당하는 형식인 것 같습니다. 1번 계정 2번 계정 ※ 각 계정의 리소스 삭제를 확인했습니다. 스마일샤크가 현재 쓰고 있는 AWS-nuke 구성 파일 팁 저희는 비용이 많이 나오기 때문에 먼저 비용이 나가는 리소스 항목(targets)과 비용이 나오지 않거나 혹은 주기적으로 사용하는 리소스 항목(excludes)으로 나누어 사용했습니다. ※ 스마일샤크의 목적인 비용 관리에 대한 니즈를 합치면 다음과 같은 내용으로 나옵니다. account에 삭제 대상 aws 계정 12자리를 기입합니다. 이후 하단에 적힌 리소스들은 aws-nuke에서 벗어나는 대상 즉 필터링 하여 지목된 리소스는 제외한 전부를 제외합니다. 위 사진을 예로 든다면 EC2 IP 주소를 value에 직접 넣어 해당 인스턴스를 벗어나게 하는 것이 그 예시입니다. 자동 AWS-nuke 실행 스마일샤크는 단기 테스트 계정, 장기 테스트 계정, 내부 서비스 계정 총 3개의 계정을 돌려 사용 중에 있으며 단기 테스트 계정은 config.yaml 중 accounts에 항시 적용됩니다. 이때 해당 야물 파일을 매번 수동으로 돌리기 귀찮아 구글에 찾아보니 다음과 같은 기능이 있었습니다. 다음 github를 참고: aws-nuke-account-cleanser0example EventBridge에서 사전에 설정한 시간에 맞춰 AWS Step Functions가 실행되고 트리거 된 Codebuild에서 S3 버킷에 있는 config.yaml파일을 가져온 뒤 파이썬 코드가 가져온 config.yaml 파일을 열고 해당 파일의 구성을 읽은 다음 수집된 리소스와 제외 목록을 기존 구성에 추가합니다. 이후 실행되는 코드 중 IAM role을 사용하여 Codebuild가 해당 롤에 적용되어 aws nuke를 사용해 config에 지정된 리전, 계정에 리소스 삭제를 시작하는 구성입니다. 위 작업 과정은 자동으로 사용되는 게 좋지만, 구성 파일이 코드가 돌아갈 때마다 변경되어 S3 파일 안에 있는 구성 파일을 확인하기 귀찮다는 점이 있었습니다. 마무리 자신의 개인 계정 혹은 회사의 테스트 계정에 비용이 많이 들어 리소스를 제거하고 싶을 때 한 번씩 쓰기 상당히 좋은 도구였습니다. 구성 파일을 설정하는 것도 어렵지 않고 실수로 Prod 환경에서 돌릴 경우 안전장치가 몇 겹으로 붙어 있으니, 안전도 어느 정도 보장도 되어 있는 것을 확인할 수 있었습니다. 여러 개의 계정을 하나로 관리하고 싶으시다면 “accounts”에 같이 사용되는 “presets"을 한번 참고하셔도 괜찮을 것 같습니다. 만약 AWS-nuke를 자동으로 실행시키고 싶으시다면 위에서 사용한 Step Functions와 Codebuild도 있었지만 간단한 크론탭을 사용하여 config파일을 지정 후 돌리는 것도 하나의 방법일 수 있습니다.
- 이것만 보면 당신도 AWS MSK Standard Owner!
이것만 보면 당신도 AWS MSK Standard Owner! Written by Minhyeok Cha 2부 아닌 2부입니다. 저번 블로그에서 말씀드렸듯 이번 글은 AWS MSK를 더욱 깊게 알아보고 Cluster 및 Connect를 구성까지 작성하려고 합니다. ▼ 지난 블로그 보러가기 MSK(Kafka)에서 사용되는 용어들 데모1: MSK 구축 시작 AWS MSK Cluster Network Security Monitoring Cloud9 서버 생성 EC2로 넘어가 Cloud9 역할 추가 Cloud9 터미널 접근 후 다음 명령어 실행 데모2: MSK Connect를 사용해 S3로 넘기기(S3 Sink Connector) S3 버킷 생성 IAM 생성 신뢰관계 형성 S3 엔드포인트 게이트웨이 MSK Connect 플러그인 및 커넥터 생성 커넥터 구성 필드 마무리 MSK(Kafka)에서 사용되는 용어들 ZooKeeper 주키퍼는 브로커 관리를 위해 사용합니다. 브로커 상태 변경이 있는 경우 주키퍼가 프로듀서와 컨슈머에게 정보를 전달합니다. Broker 브로커는 MSK 클러스터를 생성할 때 브로커 노드 수를 정하며 이는 클러스터 안에있는 서버입니다. 클러스터는 각 가용영역 당 하나씩의 브로커가 있으며 이는 프로듀서에서 컨슈머까지 메세지를 전달합니다. Topic 데이터를 구분하는 가장 기본적인 단위입니다. 토픽에는 파티션이 존재 하는데, 파티션의 최소 1개는 있어야합니다. Partition 키값으로 데이터를 구분하고 키값이 없을 경우 라운드 로빈 형식으로 데이터가 파티션에 저장됩니다. offset 각 파티션마다 레코드(데이터) 위치를 배정합니다. 오프셋의 값은 파티션 내부에서 고유의 값으로 운용됩니다. record 레코드는 데이터이며 타임스탬프 , 메세지 키 , 메세지 값 , 오프셋 , 헤더로 구성되어 있습니다. 이정도만 알아도 테스트 구축에는 문제없으니 바로 시작하겠습니다. 데모 1: MSK 구축 시작 구축은 AWS 서비스에서 2개만 생성할 예정입니다. AWS MSK cluster - 카프카 브로커 Cloud9 - 프로듀서, 컨슈머용으로 메세지 전송 및 수신 확인 ※ 전용 VPC 생성해서 진행하기 때문에 VPC 및 서비스 사전 생성 AWS MSK Cluster 빠른 생성으로 하면 엄청 간단하긴 한데, 기본값(VPC, 서브넷, 가용 영역)으로 설정되는 것들이 많아서 사용자 지정으로 생성하겠습니다. 테스트 용이니 사양은 최소한 작게 사용합니다. 추가로 가용영역 = 2, 브로커 = 2로 총 4개의 브로커를 가지게 되며, 이는 2개의 AZ에 균등하게 배포됩니다. Network 클러스터 생성 시 브로커의 영역을 2개로 설정했기 때문에 VPC 설정 후 내부 서브넷 2개를 지정합니다. MSK 클러스터도 보안그룹이 들어가는데, 이때 이 보안그룹은 추가할 cloud9과 동일하게 사용해야 연결이 가능합니다. Security 인증되지 않은 액세스를 사용하여 클라이언트에 대한 인증 작업 없이 허용하도록 합니다. 추가로 전송 데이터 및 저장 데이터의 암호화는 위와 같이 체크하시면 됩니다. Monitoring 마찬가지로 기본 테스트나 기본 모니터링으로 설정하시면 됩니다. 이후 클러스터를 구성하면 되는데 생성에 20분 정도 잡아먹습니다. 20분간 cloud9 생성 및 카프카 앱을 설치하도록 하겠습니다. Cloud9 서버생성 Cloud9의 구성은 엄청 간단하기 때문에 위 사진과 같이 해주세요. 주의사항으로는 VPC 설정을 하지 않으면 기본 VPC에 구성이 되기 때문에 MSK 클러스터를 생성한 곳과 같은 곳에서 생성해야 합니다. EC2로 넘어가 Cloud9 역할 추가 FM으로 진행하려면 MSK arn 찍고 하나씩 권한부여를 해야하지만, 할 게 많으니 admin 하나 쥐어주고 넘어갑시다. Cloud9 터미널 접근 후 다음 명령어 실행 $ sudo yum -y install java-11 $ wget https://archive.apache.org/dist/kafka/{YOUR MSK VERSION}/kafka_2.13-{YOUR MSK VERSION}.tgz $ tar -xzf kafka_2.13-{YOUR MSK VERSION}.tgz 자바 및 아파치 카프카를 설치합니다. 이때 MSK 클러스터 버전과 동일하게 설치하는 것을 추천드립니다. *테스트 해봤는데, 버전을 틀려도 연결은 문제가 없긴 했습니다. $ cd kafka_2.13-{YOUR MSK VERSION}/libs $ wget https://github.com/aws/aws-msk-iam-auth/releases/download/v1.1.1/aws-msk-iam-auth-1.1.1-all.jar $ cd kafka_2.13-{YOUR MSK VERSION}/bin $ vi client.properties security.protocol=SASL_SSL sasl.mechanism=AWS_MSK_IAM sasl.jaas.config=software.amazon.msk.auth.iam.IAMLoginModule required; sasl.client.callback.handler.class=software.amazon.msk.auth.iam.IAMClientCallbackHandler Amazon MSK IAM JAR 파일을 다운로드 합니다. Amazon MSK IAM JAR을 사용하면 클라이언트 머신이 클러스터에 액세스 및 사용되는 보안 및 인증 구성을 정의합니다. 이후 MSK 클러스터가 생성되면 다음 명령어를 통해 간단한 topic 생성 및 producer에서 consumer로 메세지를 던져보겠습니다. $ cd kafka_2.13-{YOUR MSK VERSION}/bin $ ./kafka-topics.sh --create --bootstrap-server --command-config client.properties --replication-factor 2 --partitions 1 --topic MSKTutorialTopic $ ./kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list --producer.config client.properties --topic MSKTutorialTopic # 터미널 추가 후 동일한 디렉터리에 들어가 실행 $ ./kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server --consumer.config client.properties --topic MSKTutorialTopic --from-beginning 상단의 producer 터미널에서 아래 consumer 터미널로 메세지가 잘 전달되는 모습을 확인할 수 있습니다. 데모 2: MSK Connect 를 사용해 S3로 넘기기(S3 Sink Connector) 먼저 이 MSK Connect는 외부 시스템과 카프카 클러스터 사이에 데이터를 주고받기 쉽게 해주는 서비스입니다. Kafka Connect 만 사용하여 CDC환경을 구축하면 상당히 많은 인프라 수작업을 필요로 하는데, MSK Connect를 사용하면 AWS Console 상에서 쉽게 Kafka Connect를 구성하고 배포 할 수 있습니다. 위 그림에서 보면 MSK 클러스터 양쪽에 MSK Connect가 있는데, 각각 Source Connector는 Producer의 역할 Sink Connector는 Consumer의 역할이라고 생각하시면 편합니다. 또한 MSK Connect를 사용하려면 플러그인이 필요한데 이 또한 여러가지의 오픈소스 (Debezium, Confluent 등등) 가 마련되어 있습니다. 우리의 목표는 인스턴스에서 받는 메세지로 MSK에서 S3까지가 목적이기 때문에 Amazon S3 Sink Connector 플러그인을 설치하여 데모를 진행하도록 하겠습니다. ※ 아키텍쳐상 MSK Sink Connetc에 해당하며 아래의 플러그인 설치 링크를 참고해 주세요. https://www.confluent.io/hub/confluentinc/kafka-connect-s3 기존 MSK 클러스터 생성은 스킵하고 진행하도록 하겠습니다. S3 버킷 생성 위 링크에서 받은 플러그인을 생성한 버킷에 업로드합니다. 이후 MSK Connect가 해당 버킷에 접근 권한을 부여하기 위한 IAM을 만들어야 합니다. IAM 생성 { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:ListAllMyBuckets" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::*" }, { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:ListBucket", "s3:GetBucketLocation", "s3:DeleteObject" ], "Resource": "<생성 버킷 ARN>" }, { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:PutObject", "s3:GetObject", "s3:AbortMultipartUpload", "s3:ListMultipartUploadParts", "s3:ListBucketMultipartUploads" ], "Resource": "*" } ] } 신뢰관계 형성 { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": "kafkaconnect.amazonaws.com" }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole" } ] } 위에서 생성한 역할을 S3 기반 롤로 생성합니다. 이때 신뢰관계에서 보이는 "Service"를 S3에서 kafkaconnect로 변경해야지 MSK Connect에서 해당 롤을 서치합니다. S3 엔드포인트 게이트웨이 마지막으로 MSK에서 S3까지 데이터가 잘 흐를 수 있도록 S3 endpoint를 생성하여 배치해줍니다. MSK Connect 플러그인 및 커넥터 생성 위의 S3에 업로드한 플러그인 압축파일까지 경로를 위 사진처럼 지정한 뒤 생성합니다. 위에서 만든 플러그인을 바로 커넥터 생성에 플러그인을 선택하여 생성해주도록 합니다. 커넥터 구성 필드 마지막으로 아까 만들어 둔 해당 MSK Connect가 S3 버킷 접근이 가능하도록 만든 역할을 넣습니다. (MSK Connect도 MSK Cluster처럼 만드는데 시간이 좀 걸립니다.) 마지막으로 Cloud9에 들어와 kafka/bin 디렉터리에 client.properties 텍스트 파일을 생성하고 다음 내용을 삽입합니다. security.protocol=PLAINTEXT 이는 Kafka 클러스터와의 통신에 사용되는 보안 프로토콜을 지정하는 것입니다. 사전에 만든 클러스터가 일반 텍스트로 구성했기 때문에 "PLAINTEXT"라는 프로토콜을 기입하였습니다. 이후 producer를 통해 메세지를 3개 정도 보내보겠습니다. 3개의 보낸 메세지는 다음과 같이 S3에서 확인할 수 있습니다. 추가로 설명드릴 것은 S3 상단의 경로를 보시면 바로 json 메세지가 나오는게 아니라 여러 디렉토리를 경유해서 도착한 것을 보실 수 있을 것입니다. 이는 MSK Connect 구성의 topics.dir=testchamsk 의 디렉토리를 생성하여 주제 및 클러스터를 구분시켜 두었기 때문입니다. 뿐만 아니라 MSK Connect 구성 필드는 다음 플러그인 링크를 통해 커스텀하여 사용할 수 있습니다. https://docs.confluent.io/kafka-connectors/s3-sink/current/configuration_options.html 마무리 원래는 AWS MSK 모두가 알다 시피 오픈소스 기반이기 때문에 EC2에 kafka를 직접 설치해서 사용하는 것과 MSK를 통해 사용하는 방법의 비용차이도 확인해 볼 계획까지도 잡아 두었는데 내용이 데모가 기준이다 보니까 넣지를 못했네요. 뿐만 아니라 콘솔 및 클러스터 단의 수준이 아니라 더욱 나가 데이터 레코드, 오프셋 설정 등 못한게 아쉽습니다. 분량 조절 실패… 추가로 S3 Sink Connector를 하면서 알게된 사실이지만 커넥터를 생성하는 것보다 작년에 출시된 Amazon MSK, Kinesis Data Firehose를 통해 Kafka 토픽 S3 전송 기능이 나왔더라고요. 굳이 플러그인을 설치하지 않아도 AWS 내부에서 전부 해결해 준다는 점이 편리할 것 같습니다. https://aws.amazon.com/ko/blogs/korea/amazon-msk-introduces-managed-data-delivery-from-apache-kafka-to-your-data-lake/ 다음 주제로는 이어서 Kinesis로 찾아뵙도록 하겠습니다.
- AWS Case Study - Happy Moonday
How was Happy Moonday able to expand their business with focusing on customer satisfaction?? Happy Moonday Inc. Happy Moonday is a women's healthcare startup that aims to "help more women to live healthier lives.” They recognize menstrual cycle as one of important vital signs of women's health and a good starting point for healthcare, and they offer a variety of ways to make it easier and healthier. Happy Moonday Inc. runs HappyMoonday, a brand that eases menstrual periods with products made with women in mind, and Heymoon, an all-in-one women's health app. Happy Moonday Inc. is a femtech leader that provides excellent services, commerce, and content in the women's health field and is leading the market with unrivaled competitiveness. Name Happy Moonday Inc. Area Women's healthcare Estab. July, 2017 Site. https://join.happymoonday.com/ Various needs arise as the business grows Challenges Q. What were the challenges before meeting SmileShark? A. Happy Moonday Inc. runs HappyMoonday, a brand that provides high quality of menstrual products that make periods easier, and Heymoon, an all-in-one women's health app. We're running both tangible and intangible product brands by ourselves, which has led to growing complexity from an infrastructure perspective. As the volume of users and offerings of both brands grow together, the servers and databases needed to be added and expanded, and the volume and frequency of content delivery, such as marketing images, increased. For Heymoon in particular, as the company expanded its features from accurately predicting menstrual cycle with its unique algorithm to offering a shopping for women's health and wellness products, it also needed to support commerce technology, including exploring products, payments, and promotions. As the business has grown to embrace broader features, so did its technology environment, all of which led to increased costs. Why Happy Moonday Chose SmileShark Q. Then what made you choose Smileshark? A. We wanted to test the PoC program to ensure we were providing a quality service to our customers, so we decided to adopt the AWS Proof of Concept (PoC) program to help us discover the value of the solution, including credit offering, and compared several consulting partners. SmileShark was a high priority for us because they offered AWS Credit, but also offered a deep discount on CloudFront, which was cost prohibitive. SmileShark's experience working with startups was also a key reason we chose them. We chose to partner with SmileShark because we knew they could help us solve our AWS challenges, but also because they have in-depth understanding of how startups work and could closely support our needs. Successful Cost and Operational Optimization through Keen Support from SmileShark Rational Decision-Making through the AWS PoC Program Q. Have you seen any improvements through the was AWS PoC program? A. First, as mentioned earlier, AWS Credit, which was funded through the PoC program, allowed us to run an internal learning environment where we experimented with ways to better support various services. In particular, there are technical resource and cost issues that come with EKS advanced testing. Thanks to AWS and SmileShark, we were able to test out EKS on our own. As a result of the test, we could tell that ECS was the right service for Happy Moonday, and we finally decided to adopt ECS. Q. How was SmileShark's technical support? A. SmileShark’s technical support was fast and accurate. As a startup, it's often difficult to afford a separate support plan. As an AWS consulting partner, SmileShark has been very responsive when we needed technical support from AWS. AWS Cost and Operational Optimization Q. You talked about the CloudFront discount above, have you seen any cost optimization? A. In fact, the biggest savings we're seeing is in CloudFront costs. Comparing similar traffic volumes before and after the SmileShark collaboration, we've been able to reduce our costs by about 65%, which ultimately has lowered our content delivery burden significantly, allowing us to focus on other opportunities to engage and connect with our customers. Additionally, SmileShark provided an optimization report for us within just two weeks after signing the partnership. They suggested cost-saving tactics that can be applied to the existing infrastructure and complementary methods that would be good to introduce, and based on those advices, we were able to further reduce costs by upgrading the database minor version and changing Amazon EBS to the latest generation. Customized Support and Flexible Partnerships Q. Lastly, do you have any comments that might be helpful to any customer considering SmileShark? A. We would like to recommend SmileShark to those who are looking for a partner who is close to the company and can help with AWS concerns. If you are hesitant because you have no experience collaborating with AWS partners, it means that you need a partner who can maintain close dialogue and move flexibly, and SmileShark is the perfect fit. Especially if you are a startup, I recommend working with SmileShark. Happy Moonday's Future Plan Happy Moonday developed Heymoon Indonesia Edition and Global Edition with menstrual cycle prediction as an essential feature and launched them on the Apple AppStore in Indonesia and Singapore, respectively in March 2024. Heymoon has rapidly grown to become a popular app with more than one in three women signing up in 15-24 ages in South Korea, and now it's bringing its benefits to women overseas. We plan to make Heymoon Shopping, a women's health and wellness store that was only available in-app in Korea, accessible on the web to increase accessibility. This is expected to strengthen our competitiveness that organically weave commerce and service to create an integrated experience. As the services and infrastructure environments operated by the company are diverse, we also plan to make efforts to maintain the technology well. Detailed Services Applied to Happy Moonday Happy Moonday Architecture Introduced SmileShark Services SmileShark CloudFront | Fast and Secure Developer-friendly Content Delivery Network SmileShark Tech Support | Get expert guidance and assistance achieving your objectives
- 최대한 간단하게 설명드립니다. AWS의 스트리밍 Event Broker
최대한 간단하게 설명드립니다. AWS의 스트리밍 Event Broker Written by Minhyeok Cha 큐? 브로커? 그게 뭔데? AWS MSK와 Kinesis Data Stream 참고, 이런 상황도 있습니다! 그러면 이 둘의 차이점은 무엇인가? AWS MSK AWS Kinesis Data Streams 각 서비스의 간단 결론 번외편 단일 매칭의 SQS 마무리 오늘은 최대한 간단하게 MSK와 Kinesis Data Stream을 설명하고 각 서비스는 뭐가 다른지 비교해보는 글을 가져왔습니다. 이를 설명하기에 앞서 메세지를 보내는 큐 혹은 브로커에 관한 내용을 앞에 설명을 드리고자 합니다. 큐? 브로커? 그게 뭔데? 먼저 큐부터 말하자면 Producer에서 메세지(혹은 이벤트)를 넣고 큐에서 저장 이후 Consumer에게 전달하는 1:1 이벤트 전달 과정입니다. 이렇게 되면 '가운데의 큐가 동선을 방해하는 거 아냐? 빼는 게 더 빠를 것 같은데?'라는 생각이 들 수도 있습니다. 그런데 큐를 빼고 단순히 이벤트만 전달하는 경우 다음과 같은 에러사항이 발생할 수도 있습니다. 먼저 이벤트가 Producer에게 전달하는 과정부터 에러가 뜬다던가 Consumer에서 제대로 전달받지 못할 경우, 메세지 전달 과정의 프로세스가 꼬여서 두 개의 서비스가 고장날 확률이 높습니다. 즉 의존성에 대한 이슈가 크다는 것이 첫 번째 에러 사항입니다. 다음은 Producer와 Consumer의 복제본을 만들어 통신을 원활하게 구축해 보려했지만, 이는 메세지 전달 프로세스를 다시 한번 각 서버에 설정해 줘야 하므로 번거로울 수 있습니다. ( 에러보다는 인력 낭비의 문제 ) 세 번째는 1~12번까지의 이벤트가 담긴 메세지 중 모종의 이슈로 딜레이가 생기거나 중간의 메세지가 넘어가지를 못해 삭제가 되거나, 뒤의 메세지가 넘어가지 못하는 경우 전체적인 에러로 발생할 수 있다는 것입니다. 이러한 상황은 AWS 서비스인 AWS MSK와 Kinesis Data Stream이 해결해 줄 수 있습니다. AWS MSK와 Kinesis Data Stream 두 가지의 공통점이자 장점은 스트림 스토리지를 가지고 있다는 것입니다. 대부분의 메시지 큐 시스템에서는 Consumer가 메시지를 성공적으로 처리하고 'acknowledgment'(ACK)를 보내거나 타임아웃을 통한 메세지 처리 방식을 사용해 해당 메시지는 큐에서 제거됩니다. 참고, 이런 상황도 있습니다! 💡 혹은 다음과 같이 병목현상을 해결하기 위해 DLQ(Dead Letter Queue)를 배치하는 방법도 있습니다만 이게 메인이 아니니까 넘어가겠습니다. AWS MSK나 Kinesis Data Stream은 아래 그림과 같은 스트림 스토리지를 사용하고 있습니다. 단일 큐의 경우 전달의 에러가 있을 때 어느 정도 딜레이가 소요되어 Consumer에게 메세지가 바로 도달하지 못하지만, 스트림 스토리지의 샤드/파티션 내부에서는 “offset” 혹은 데이터 레코드의 “보존기간”에 의해 유지되고 있습니다. 💡 큐는 MKS와 Kinesis Data Stream에서는 파티션/샤드로 명명합니다. 다음으로는 그림 3.과 같이 1:1 즉 커플링이 아닌 그림 4.처럼 Consumer Group 속의 각 Consumer가 다수의 샤드나 파티션 중 하나씩 컨택하여 메세지를 순서대로 정리하는 디커플링의 방식을 사용하기 때문에 병목현상과 메세지 전달 보장이 가능하게 됩니다. 뿐만 아니라 Producer와 Consumer에서 추가요청 사항이 들어와도 스트림 스토리지에서 바로 엔드포인트 연결, 매핑 관리만 해주시면 괜찮습니다. 그러면 이 둘의 차이점은 무엇인가? 💡 두 서비스의 차이점은 명칭만 다르고 같은 역할을 하는 파티션 키라던가 value, offset 등이 있기 때문에 간단하게만 정리하고, 정리한 내용 외의 차이점 혹 부족한 설명은 각 서비스 소개 및 시연 블로그에 따로 정리하겠습니다. AWS MSK MSK는 파티션이라는 이름을 사용하고 있으며 파티셔닝의 특성은 다음과 같습니다. 오픈 소스인 Kafk a에서 토픽은 하나 이상의 파티션으 로 구성됩니다. ※ Kafka에서는 사용된 파티션 개수 = 브로커 개수 를 최적의 패턴이라고 합니다. 때문에 각 브로커에 파티션의 복제본을 배치해두는 구도로 작성하였습니다. 각 파티션은 독립적인 로그 파일로, 메세지는 특정 파티션에 추가됩니다. 프로듀서는 키를 기반으로 파티션에 메시지를 할당하고, 각 파티션은 다른 파티션과 독립적으로 메세지를 저장하고 전달합니다. 키가 없는 경우가 이런 라운드 로빈 방식으로 파티션에 메세지를 한 번씩 배치합니다. AWS MSK 메시지 보존이 10MB까지 제한됩니다. 파티션은 한번 늘어나면 줄이지 못한다는 점이 있습니다. 정확히는 파티션 줄이기 자체는 가능하지만 파티션 내부의 세그먼트를 재배치 하는 것에 어려움이 있습니다. AWS Kinesis Data Streams Kinesis Data Streams은 샤드라는 이름을 사용하고 있으며 특성은 다음과 같습니다. Kinesis 스트림은 샤드로 구성됩니다. 각 샤드는 특정 데이터 처리량을 갖고 있으며, 데이터 레코드는 파티션 키에 따라 샤드에 할당됩니다. 각 샤드는 독립적으로 데이터를 처리합니다. 각 샤드는 초당 최대 1MB의 데이터 입력 및 초당 2MB의 데이터 출력을 지원합니다. Kinesis Data Streams에서는 Shard의 개수 조율이 가능합니다. 추가된 샤드에 들어오는 레코드는 새로운 샤드 중 하나에 할당되고 이는 파티션 키의 해시 값을 기준으로 결정됩니다. 각 서비스의 간단 결론 Kinesis는 관리가 쉬운 서비스를 제공하며, 간단한 스케일링과 통합을 원하는 사용자에게 적합합니다. MSK는 더 높은 사용자 정의와 설정이 가능하며, 대규모로 확장할 수 있는 능력을 제공합니다. 추가로 오픈소스 기반이라 기존 kafka 사용자가 편합니다. 번외편 단일 매칭의 SQS 위의 두 서비스 모두 너무 어렵고 복잡하다, 그냥 테스트 혹은 연습 겸 저렴하게 AWS 서비스로 테스트를 해보고 싶은데 이런 서비스는 어디 없을까? 물론 있습니다. AWS SQS(Simple Queue Service)는 위의 서비스와 마찬가지로 Publisher와 Consumer 입장에서 사용하게 됩니다. 각각 매칭되어 메세지를 보내주는 단순한 서비스긴 하지만 이 서비스의 큐도 사실 쓰기 나름의 역할과 어려움이 있는 건 마찬가지… 큐의 개념을 직접 테스트하여 체감하고 싶으시다면 구성도 간편한 SQS 한입 어떠신가요? 마무리 이번 내용은 제가 사용하지 않는 서비스를 공부하면서 설명을 해드리는 거라 독자분들이 어떻게 하면 더 쉽게 이해할 수 있을지 고민하면서 작성했습니다. 그러다 보니 작성 시간이 좀 길어졌네요. 두 서비스는 서로 비슷한 역할을 하고 있어서 블로그를 작성해 봤는데 사실 차이점 찾는게(AWS 측면에서) 생각보다 힘들었습니다. 심지어 Amazon Kinesis는 서버리스 기능이 있어 관리가 편하다는 장점이 있었지만 AWS MSK도 클러스터 서버리스가 생겨버리고 둘다 AWS라 파이프라인 연결 대상이 AWS 서비스라 동일한 조건이기 때문에 결국 사용량 차이 뿐이네요. 위에서 한번 언급은 했지만 더욱 상세한 글 작성을 위해 각 서비스 별 주제로 다시 돌아오겠습니다.
- AWS Certification Types & Tiers : Emerging AWS Certification for 2023
AWS Certification Types & Tiers : Emerging AWS Certification for 2023 + Data Engineer, the new certification Written by Hyojung Yoon Hello! Today we're going to learn about AWS certifications. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a cloud computing platform provided by Amazon and is one of the most popular cloud service provider in the world. According to Michael Yu, Client Market Leader of Skillsoft Technology and Developer Portfolio, "The skyrocketing value of cloud-related certifications is not a new phenomenon," indicating that more companies are using cloud computing platforms. Among cloud-related certifications, AWS Certification is known to validate the technical skills and cloud expertise needed to advance your career and scale your business. So let's get started! AWS Certification Overview What is AWS Certifications Types of AWS Certifications Certification Validity Tiers of AWS Certification Foundational Cloud Practitioner Associate Solutions Architect Developer SysOps Administrator Data Engineer Professional Solutions Architect DevOps Engineer Specialty Advanced Networking Security Machine Learning Database Data Analytics SAP on AWS AWS certifications of current interest Conclusion AWS Certification Overview 1. What is AWS Certifications AWS certifications are programs that allow you to demonstrate your knowledge and expertise in using the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud computing platform. AWS certifications focus on a variety of areas, including cloud architecture, development, and operations, and are organized into different levels. Certification exams are administered in multiple languages at testing centers around the world. 2. Types of AWS Certification AWS offers granular certifications for different roles and skill levels. These certifications are divided into four tiers: Foundational, Associate , Professional , and Specialty . 3. Certification Validity Certifications are valid for three years from the date they are earned, so be sure to keep them up to date before they expire. For Foundational and Associate level certifications, you can also fulfill the renewal requirements for Sage certifications by passing a higher level exam or renewing your certification. Tiers of AWS Certification Foundational AWS Certification 1. Cloud Practitioner (CLF) Target Candidates Individuals with a basic understanding of the AWS cloud platform Ideal for non-technical roles such as sales, marketing, finance, and business analysts Exam Overview Cloud Concepts(26%), Security & Compliance(25%), Technology(33%), Billing & Pricing(16%) Cost $100 | 65 questions | 90 minutes Associate AWS Certifications 1. Solutions Architect (SAA) Target Candidates 1 + years of hands-on experience designing cloud solutions using AWS services Exam Overview Design Secure Architectures(30%) Design Resilient Architectures(26%) Design High-Performing Architectures(24%) Design Cost-optimized Architectures(20%) Cost $150 | 65 questions | 130 minutes 2. Developer (DVA) Target Candidates 1 + years of hands-on experience in developing and maintaining applications by using AWS services Exam Overview Development with AWS Services(32%) Security(26%) Deployment(24%) Troubleshooting and Optimization(18%) Cost $150 | 65 questions | 130 minutes 3. SysOps Administrator (SOA) Target Candidates 2+ years of experience in data engineering and 1+ years of hands-on experience with AWS services Exam Overview As of March 28, 2023, the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate exam will not include exam labs until further more. Monitoring, Logging, and Remediation(20%) Reliability and Business Continuity(16%) Deployment, Provisioning, and Automation(18%) Security and Compliance(16%) Networking and Content Delivery(18%) Cost and Performance Optimization(12%) Cost $150 | 65 questions | 130 minutes 4. Data Engineer (DEA) : 2023 beta exam Target Candidates 1 + years of hands-on experience in developing and maintaining applications by using AWS services Exam Overview The beta registration will open on October 31, 2023. The beta exam will be available from November 27, 2023 to January 12, 2024. Demand for data engineer roles increased by 42% year over year per a Dice tech jobs report Data ingestion and Transformation(34%) Data Store Management(26%) Data Operations and Support(22%) Data Security and Governance(18%) Cost $75 * | 85 questions | 170 minutes *Beta exams are offered at a 50% discount from standard exam pricing. **Beta exam results are available 90 days from the close of the beta exam. Professional AWS Certifications 1. Solutions Architect (SAP) Target Candidates 2+ years of experience in using AWS services to design and implement cloud solutions Exam Overview Designing Solutions for Organizational Complexity(26%) Designing for New Solutions(29%) Continuous Improvement of Existing Solutions(25%) Accelerate Workload Migration and Modernization(20%) Cost $300 | 75 questions | 180 minutes 2. DevOps Engineer (DOP) Target Candidates 2 + years of experience in provisioning, operating, and managing AWS environments Experience with software development lifecycle and programming and scripting Exam Overview Job listings requiring this certification have increased by 52% between Oct 2021 and Sept 2022 (source: Lightcast™ September 2022). SDLC Automation(22%) Configuration Management and IaC(17%) Resilient Cloud Solutions(15%) Monitoring and Logging(15%) Incident and Event Response(14%) Security and Compliance(17%) Cost $300 | 75 questions | 180 minutes Specialty AWS Certifications 1. Advanced Networking (ANS) Target Candidates 5+ years of networking experience with 2+ years of cloud and hybrid networking experience Exam Overview Network Design(30%) Network Implementation(26%) Network Management and Operations(20%) Network Security, Compliance, and Governance(24%) Cost $300 | 65 questions | 170 minutes 2. Security (SCS) Target Candidates Experience in securing AWS workloads (2+ years of hands-on experience) Experience in designing and implementing security solutions (5+ years of hands-on experience) Exam Overview Incident Response(12%) Logging and Monitoring(20%) Infrastructure Security(26%) Identity and Access Management(20%) Data Protection(22%) Cost $300 | 65 questions| 170 minutes 3. Machine Learning (MLS) Target Candidates Experience developing, architecting, and running ML or deep learning workloads in the AWS Cloud(2+ years of hands-on experience) Exam Overview Data Engineering(20%) Exploratory Data Analysis(24%) Modeling(36%) Machine Learning Implementation and Operations(20%) Cost $300 | 65 questions | 180 minutes 4. Database (DBS) Target Candidates Minimum of 5 years of common database technology Minimum of 2 years of hands-on experience working on AWS Exam Overview Workload-Specific Database Design(25%) Deployment and Migration (20%) Management and Operations(18%) Monitoring and Troubleshooting(18%) Database Security(18%) Cost $300 | 65 questions | 180 minutes 5. Data Analytics (DAS) Target Candidates 5 + years of Common data analytics technologies and 2 + years of hands-on experience working with AWS services to design, build, secure, and maintain analytics solutions Exam Overview Collection(18%) Storage and Data management(22%) Processing(24%) Analysis and Visualization(18%) Security(18%) Cost $300 | 65 questions | 180 minutes 6. SAP on AWS (PAS) Target Candidates 5+ years of SAP experience and 1+ years of experience in working with SAP on AWS Exam Overview Designing SAP workloads on AWS(30%) Implementation of SAP workloads on AWS(24%) Migration of SAP workloads to AWS(26%) Operation and maintenance of SAP workloads on AWS(20%) Cost $300 | 65 questions | 170 minutes Top 5 AWS valuable certifications of 2023 The popularity and demand for AWS certifications change over time with market trends and changing organizational needs. As of 2023, here are top 5 certifications that are more popular and interesting than ever before. 1. AWS Certified Solution Architect - Professional The demand for professionals who can design and deploy complex systems on AWS has increased. The AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional certification has become more popular as a result, with a focus on advanced topics such as multi-tier architectures, data management, and deployment strategies. 2. AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional The adoption of DevOps practices and the need for professionals who can automate and manage applications on AWS has increased. The AWS Certified DevOps Engineer – Professional certification has become more popular as a result, covering topics such as continuous delivery, monitoring, and automation. 3. AWS Certified Machine Learning - Specialty As machine learning and artificial intelligence become more important in various industries, the demand for professionals who can design, develop, and deploy machine learning solutions on AWS has increased. The AWS Certified Machine Learning – Specialty certification has become more popular as a result. 4. AWS Certified Security - Specialty With the increasing threat of cyber attacks and data breaches, the need for professionals who can implement and maintain effective security measures on AWS has increased. The AWS Certified Security – Specialty certification has become more popular as a result, covering topics such as security operations, identity and access management, and data protection. 5. AWS Certified Database - Specialty As organizations rely more on data and cloud-based database solutions, the need for professionals who can design and manage these solutions on AWS has increased. The AWS Certified Database – Specialty certification has become more popular as a result, covering topics such as database design, migration, and optimization. Conclusion The AWS certifications introduced in this article demonstrate cloud expertise. It is good to improve your competitiveness with having the AWS certifications which is the best cloud service provider in the world. If you're looking to demonstrate your AWS knowledge in the ever-evolving and fast-paced world of cloud technology, then get AWS certifications. Links Highest paid IT certifications command $130K+ AWS Certification - Validate AWS Cloud Skills - Get AWS Certified
- Are AWS Certifications worth it? : AWS SA-Professional 3
Are AWS Certifications worth it? : AWS Solutions Architect - Profassional (SAP) Certification 3 Written by Minhyeok Cha It's been a while since I've written AWS certification post, so let's get it started. Question 1. A company has many AWS accounts and uses AWS Organizations to manage all of them. A solutions architect must implement a solution that the company can use to share a common network across multiple accounts. The company's infrastructure team has a dedicated infrastructure account that has a VPC. The infrastructure team must use this account to manage the network. Individual accounts cannot have the ability to manage their own network. However, individual accounts must be able to create AWS resources within the subnet. What combination of actions should the solutions architect perform to meet these requirements? (Choose two.) ⓐ Create a transit gateway in the infrastructure account. ⓑ Enable resource sharing from the AWS Organizations management account. ⓒ Create VPCs in each AWS account within the organization in AWS Organizations. Configure the VPCs to share the same CIDR range and subnets as the VPC in the infrastructure account. Peer the VPCs in each individual account with the VPC in the infrastructure account. ⓓ Create a resource share in AWS Resource Access Manager in the infrastructure account. Select the specific AWS Organizations OU that will use the shared network. Select each subnet to associate with the resource share. ⓔ Create a resource share in AWS Resource Access Manager in the infrastructure account. Select the specific AWS Organizations OU that will use the shared network. Select each prefix list to associate with the resource share. Solutions This question is about how to you want to manage multiple AWS accounts. For example, in the picture above, we have two random accounts and one dedicated to infrastructure. The needs in question are: These accounts must be used to manage the network. Individual accounts cannot manage their own network. The individual accounts need to be able to create AWS resources within the subnet. Since the infrastructure account itself is not designed to manage the network, you can see that the intent is to share permissions with accounts 1 and 2 so that they can manage the VPC subnet resources. A is wrong - create a Transit Gateway, and as you can see from the architecture of the problem, there is only one VPC mentioned in one account. TG, as you know, is a service that bundles multiple VPCs, so A is not a good fit for this problem. C is wrong - because building the same environment on each account is not a shared task. E is wrong - can't share resources via RAM using prefix lists. D is correct - directly shares the subnets Therefore, the remaining answers, B & D , are correct and can be solved in AWS Resource Access Manager (RAM). Correct Answers: B, D 💡 B. Enable resource sharing in the AWS Organizations master account. 💡 D. Create a resource share in AWS Resource Access Manager in the infrastructure account. Select the specific AWS Organizations OU for which you want to use the shared network. Select each subnet that you want to associate with the resource share. Question 2. A company wants to use a third-party software-as-a-service (SaaS) application. The third-party SaaS application is consumed through several API calls. The third- party SaaS application also runs on AWS inside a VPC. The company will consume the third-party SaaS application from inside a VPC. The company has internal security policies that mandate the use of private connectivity that does not traverse the internet. No resources that run in the company VPC are allowed to be accessed from outside the company's VPC. All permissions must conform to the principles of least privilege. Which solution meets these requirements? ⓐ Create an AWS PrivateLink interface VPC endpoint. Connect this endpoint to the endpoint service that the third-party SaaS application provides. Create a security group to limit the access to the endpoint. Associate the security group with the endpoint. ⓑ Create an AWS Site-to-Site VPN connection between the third-party SaaS application and the company VPC. Configure network ACLs to limit access across the VPN tunnels. ⓒ Create a VPC peering connection between the third-party SaaS application and the company VPC. Update route tables by adding the needed routes for the peering connection. ⓓ Create an AWS PrivateLink endpoint service. Ask the third-party SaaS provider to create an interface VPC endpoint for this endpoint service. Grant permissions for the endpoint service to the specific account of the third-party SaaS provider. Solutions The question has "does not traverse the Internet" in the question, so we're going to eliminate B and C because it involves PrivateLink. The correct answer for #2 is A, because the perspective is consulting from the consumer's point of view, not the provider's. Account authorization for the endpoint service in D is the provider's responsibility. Correct Answer : A We need to create users and providers as per the above solution, so I've set up the following architecture. On the Provider VPC side, where you have the third-party SaaS application, you must first create an endpoint service. 💡Before creating the endpoint service, it supports network, gateway LB. The health check of the load balancer should be normal, and the output is shown in the picture below, but since we created the NLB in advance, we'll skip the creation process. 1. Provider accounts - Create an endpoint service 2. Provider Account - Add a Consumer IAM ARN 3. Consumer account - Name the endpoint service created in the provider account and send a connection request 4. Provider account - Accept connection request 5. Consumer account - Check status Question 3. A security engineer determined that an existing application retrieves credentials to an Amazon RDS for MySQL database from an encrypted file in Amazon S3. For the next version of the application, the security engineer wants to implement the following application design changes to improve security: ✑ The database must use strong, randomly generated passwords stored in a secure AWS managed service. ✑ The application resources must be deployed through AWS CloudFormation. ✑ The application must rotate credentials for the database every 90 days. A solutions architect will generate a CloudFormation template to deploy the application. Which resources specified in the CloudFormation template will meet the security engineer's requirements with the LEAST amount of operational overhead? ⓐ Generate the database password as a secret resource using AWS Secrets Manager. Create an AWS Lambda function resource to rotate the database password. Specify a Secrets Manager RotationSchedule resource to rotate the database password every 90 days. ⓑ Generate the database password as a SecureString parameter type using AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store. Create an AWS Lambda function resource to rotate the database password. Specify a Parameter Store RotationSchedule resource to rotate the database password every 90 days. ⓒ Generate the database password as a secret resource using AWS Secrets Manager. Create an AWS Lambda function resource to rotate the database password. Create an Amazon EventBridge scheduled rule resource to trigger the Lambda function password rotation every 90 days. ⓓ Generate the database password as a SecureString parameter type using AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store. Specify an AWS AppSync DataSource resource to automatically rotate the database password every 90 days. Solution This question is looking for a managed service for cryptographic key-levels in AWS. As you can see, there is AWS Secrets Manager and AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store, both of which are services that store key-values. We need to know about each service before we can solve the problem, but as with any other problem, we can start by looking at the customer need in question The database must use strong, randomly generated passwords stored in a secure AWS managed service. Application resources must be deployed through AWS CloudFormation. The application needs to replace the credentials to the database every 90 days. The solutions architect generates a CloudFormation template to deploy the application. B and D are excluded here because the ability to periodically replace credentials is a feature of AWS Secrets Manager, and additionally, they are using resources that are not supported by Cloudformation. 💡 The Parameter Store RotationSchedule resource does not exist, and documentation checks show "RotationSchedule" in AWS Secrets Manager. 💡 AWS CloudFormation does not currently support creating a SecureString parameter type. Then we have to look at the remaining A and C, which is really just a problem of how we trigger the replacement cycle, and the answer is A because we don't have to use Amazon EventBridge, we have our own replacement capabilities. Correct Answer : A AWS Secrets Manager refresh cycle 💡 These days, IaCmetas need to be general purpose, so don't use CloudFormation very often. but I included it just in case there's a surprise CloudFormation question on t he AWS exam. Conclusion I hope the AWS SA certification questions we covered today have been helpful to you. If you have any questions about the solutions, notice any errors, or have additional queries, please feel free to contact us anytime at partner@smileshark.kr .
- AWS Case Study - TRIBONS
How did TRIBONS provide uninterrupted shopping mall services to their customers? SmileShark's CloudOps Service Context Anomalous Service Failures in a Shopping Mall System Challenges Why TRIBONS Chose SmileShark Stabilizing the infrastructure and a successful digital transformation As a collaborative partner, not just a request and responder AWS Cost and Operations Optimization Consulting Building an Enhanced Security and Gifting System TRIBONS' Future Plan Detailed Services Applied to TRIBONS What is SmileShark's CloudOps? TRIBONS Architecture What is Shark-Mon? TRIBONS Inc. As an affiliate of LF (formerly LG Fashion), TRIBONS owns famous brands such as DAKS SHIRTS, the industry leader in men's shirts, as well as Notig, Bobcat, and Benovero. TRIBONS is also successfully operating FOMEL CAMELE, a fashion miscellaneous goods brand targeting women in their twenties and thirties. TRIBONS also has a strong presence in children's apparel, and through its "PastelMall" subsidiary, TRIBONS offers premium children's apparel brands such as Daks kids, Hazzys kids, PETIT BATEAU, BonTon and K.I.D.S. These brands are available in Korea's major department stores, and are also available online through Pastel Mall. TRIBONS is constantly striving to provide the customers with quality products. Name TRIBONS Inc. Area Shirt and blouse manufacturing Estab. Jan, 2008 Site https://www.pastelmall.com/ Anomalous Service Failures in a Shopping Mall System Challenges SmileShark When did the need for SmileShark come up in TRIBONS , and what were the challenges at the time? Hyunsoo Jang We had previously been using an AWS cloud environment through a different partner. However, in 2022, we began to experience difficulties running its shopping mall in the cloud. As the number of customers increased, we were facing anomalous service failures. We were also considering expanding additional services due to system development. SmileShark You mentioned that TRIBONS experienced some unusual service failures, can you tell us what it was? Hyunsoo Jang Certain events, such as the real-time live commerce 'Parabang', were only exposed on our own mall, but sometimes we had to broadcast simultaneously on other live commerce platforms. In such cases, the difference from the usual inflow was about 10 times. In addition to this inflow, we also received customers through advertising marketing such as marketing texts and KakaoTalk Plus friends, and we could see that the inflow increased by about 5 times compared to the usual inflow. Therefore, we aimed for a more stable service. Why TRIBONS Chose SmileShark SmileShark Why did you choose SmileShark's CloudOps service? Hyunsoo Jang To solve the problems we were facing, we needed a partner that could be agile and flexible, and we found SmileShark through a referral. Being recognized as an AWS Rising Star of the Year, meeting with SmileShark's CEO and engineers built trust, it convinced us that they could empathize with our problem and promise to support us. SmileShark What did you find frustrating about your previous partner? Hyunsoo Jang As mentioned above, we were facing various issues during the operation of the shopping mall system, and there were many complicated parts that had not been explained well, so we were very disappointed with the previous partner's service provision. Changing server settings in AWS was not easy due to the absence of internal manpower, and communication was also difficult due to the difference in work areas between developers and system engineers. Therefore, the most anticipated aspect of the new partner introduction was smooth communication and proactive measures. When we used previous partners' services, issues were not shared, which led to confusion due to server reboots, checks, and policy changes during business hours, and there were many unnecessary procedures to respond to issues, so it was important to us to see if we could improve this. "TRIBONS went from having 4 ~ 5 times service outages per quarter to none with SmileShark." - Hyunsoo Jang, TRIBONS online platform team leader Stabilizing the infrastructure and a successful digital transformation As a collaborative partner, not just a request and responder SmileShark We've heard that TRIBONS ' infrastructure issues have been dramatically stabilized since implementing SmileShark’s CloudOps, but what's it really like? Hyunsoo Jang In the year or so since we have been with SmileShark, we have seen a lot of improvements. We have been able to connect the system issue alerts to the collaboration solutions we use so we can respond to issues quickly. From time to time, AWS would send out an announcement saying, "There's an issue with a service or a region, and you may experience downtime." The emails are sent to our contacts within TRIBONS , but they are also sent to our MSP. It would be nice if the MSP partners we work with could share this with us when we miss something like this, but unfortunately this little detail hasn't been done before with the previous partner. The shopping mall was supposed to be an uninterrupted system, but we were often getting server error pages (503). SmileShark has provided us with AWS announcements months in advance so that we can plan ahead and say, "We need to address these issues around this time." It also sends out urgent announcements in the middle of the day so that we don't miss any issues. TRIBONS doesn't have any outages now, which we used to have four to five per quarter before SmileShark. SmileShark What do you think makes SmileShark's CloudOps service different from other previous monitoring and operations support and MSPs? Hyunsoo Jang When an issue arises, they analyze the cause of the problem and explain it in detail in an email, and then again on the phone, so I know exactly what the issue is, and they share their technical opinions and areas for improvement, which is very helpful. Furthermore, in the event of a failure, we are notified within one minute on average and receive prompt feedback from the person in charge, and we communicate in real time through a separate communication channel. As a result, we were able to successfully obtain the certification mark just one year after the start of the ISMS certification audit project. SmileShark How did SmileShark help TRIBONS with the ISMS certification audit? Hyunsoo Jang During the ISMS audit, there was a part of the architecture that needed to be changed. SmileShark told us that it was a security violation to have the private and development areas in the same zone, so we had to separate them. We discussed this closely with Hosang Kwak, CloudOps team lead of SmileShark and proceeded with as little disruption to the shopping mall as possible. In fact, even when we changed the architecture structure, the shopping mall service was not interrupted and the system operated stably. When I asked how to configure the application servers such as tomcat, which are in EC2 in addition to the AWS structure, he promptly responded and took practical measures. SmileShark In addition to running a stable infrastructure, we've heard that communication between developers has improved. Hyunsoo Jang Yes, organizations without system engineer positions end up lacking knowledge such as log analysis and server settings for each server. Communication with MSP partners was also a challenge due to the lack of communication between the teams. This was always a big concern for me due to the different job background, but I think SmileShark was the only one that worked out well in terms of communication. AWS Cost and Operations Optimization Consulting SmileShark So, how was SmileShark's AWS consulting experience? Hyunsoo Jang We had a cost issue with the CDN service we were using, and we thought that the fees charged due to the contract were excessive, so we were considering other CDN services, and we consulted with SmileShark about the CloudFront (CDN) service provided by AWS, which can be used at a reasonable price without a contract. We confirmed the cost-effective part of the service and are considering switching to it this year. Also, we were having frequent issues with the software configuration management server, so we consulted with SmileShark about AWS software configuration management service. I told them that I would like to be able to deploy or build servers automatically, and SmileShark told me that AWS has a structure that can automate the software configuration management. I thought that this would reduce the risk of manpower and server stabilization. However, the software configuration management server can be critical, so we are still considering it. Consulting with SmileShark helped us make the decision because we were able to put our situation into perspective. SmileShark Thank you. Do you have any comments that might be helpful to any customer considering SmileShark? Hyunsoo Jang I would highly recommend SmileShark's CloudOps service to any company or team that doesn't yet have an expert in the field of systems engineering, as SmileShark provides personalized support. SmileShark also helps build, manage, and optimize cloud infrastructure, making it especially useful for teams that don't have the knowledge or manpower to manage cloud in-house. I would recommend SmileShark as the best AWS partner to build the infrastructure, not only due to the technical issues, but also because SmileShark provides guidance on optimizing costs and increasing operational efficiency. Beyond just the numbers, there's something else I've been noticing a lot lately, and that's the trust SmileShark shows in the work. SmileShark is always consistent in the guidance and proactive in the solutions, and that's a big deal to me as a service provider. At a time when we felt overwhelmed by the complexity of the AWS environment, SmileShark reached out to us and made us feel comfortable just like seeing a lighthouse in the storm. "At a time when we felt overwhelmed by the complexity of the AWS environment, SmileShark reached out to us and made us feel comfortable just like seeing a lighthouse in the strom." - Hyunsoo Jang, TRIBONS online platform team leader Building an Enhanced Security and Gifting System TRIBONS’ Future Plan It has been four years since Pastel Mall (shopping mall) was launched, and we have been able to grow functionally in the service sector due to the influx of many customers. While we previously aimed to improve the service level, this year we are working to improve it by focusing on server strengthening and security to maintain a stable system. Therefore, we are aiming to obtain the enhanced ISMS-P certification. SmileShark Can you tell us about the new service TRIBONS recently launched, Gifting? Hyunsoo Jang The Pastel Mall Gifting Service is now open, a mobile-only service that allows the customers to send DAKS shirts and other products from Pastel Mall to your loved ones. Gifts can be given from existing Pastel Mall customers to non-members, and any customer can find a variety of products that match the theme in the dedicated gift shop, and the customers can send a gift with a message card with a small sentiment, so we hope you enjoy it. Detailed Services Applied to TRIBONS What is SmileShark’s CloudOps? SmileShark Which of SmileShark's CloudOps services did TRIBONS adopt, and what was the collaboration process like? Hosang Kwak, CloudOps team lead of SmileShark CloudOps doesn't just alert the customers when something goes wrong with their system, it also analyzes it. It's important for us to analyze, find solutions, and provide them to our customers so that they can improve their systems to prevent the same problems from happening again. CloudOps is a collaborative MSP service that doesn't solve all problems at once, but rather works with the customers to solve them and grow together. Hyunsoo Jang, TRIBONS online platform team leader , also has a good understanding of CloudOps, so he authorized us to do various tests over time. Also, when we suggested a solution, he agreed to give it a try, so to repay us for this, we are still working well together with the common goal of uninterrupted service. TRIBONS Architecture What is Shark-Mon? Shark-Mon is a monitoring tool that enables applications and services to operate around the clock without interruption, rather than being monitored by humans in the legacy way. Developed in-house by SmileShark, SharkMon provides functions necessary for cloud operations, including basic 'protocol monitoring' such as HTTP, TCP, SSH, DNS, ICMP, gRPC, TLS, 'AWS usage resource view' and 'Kubernetes monitoring', which is emerging as a global trend. It is currently in closed beta for select customers.
- Are AWS Certifications worth it? : AWS SA-Professional 2
Are AWS Certifications worth it? : AWS Solutions Architect - Profassional (SAP) Certification 2 Written by Minhyeok Cha Continuing from our last discussion, we further explore AWS certifications, focusing on the Solutions Architect - Professional (SAP) exam, specifically how its questions relate to practical use in consoles or architectural structures. Question 1. A company is running a two-tier web-based application in its on-premises data center. The application layer consists of a single server running a stateful application, connected to a PostgreSQL database running on a separate server. Anticipating significant growth in the user base, the company is migrating the application and database to AWS. The solution will use Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling, and Elastic Load Balancing. Which solution provides a consistent user experience while allowing scalability for the application and database layers? ⓐ Enable Aurora Auto Scaling for Aurora replicas. Use a Network Load Balancer with the least outstanding requests routing algorithm and sticky sessions enabled. ⓑ Enable Aurora Auto Scaling for Aurora writers. Use an Application Load Balancer with a round-robin routing algorithm and sticky sessions enabled. ⓒ Enable Aurora Auto Scaling for Aurora replicas. Use an Application Load Balancer with round-robin routing and sticky sessions enabled. ⓓ Enable Aurora Scaling for Aurora writers. Use a Network Load Balancer with the least outstanding requests routing algorithm and sticky sessions enabled. Solutions In this question, the answer is apparent just by looking at the options. RDS Aurora Auto Scaling is a feature intended for replicas, not writers. Therefore, options B and D are eliminated. Aurora Auto Scaling adjusts the number of Aurora replicas in an Aurora DB cluster using scaling policies. The routing algorithm is also key. The routing algorithm mentioned in A for NLB is not the least outstanding requests routing algorithm, thus eliminating option A, leaving C as the correct answer. Answer: C 💡 Load balancer nodes receiving connections in a Network Load Balancer use the following process: 1. Use a flow hash algorithm to select a target from the target group for the default rule. The algorithm is based on. ◦ Protocol ◦ Source IP Address and port ◦ Destination IP Address and port ◦ TCP sequence number 2. Individual TCP connections are routed to a single target for the duration of the connection. TCP connections from a client can be routed to different targets as the source port and sequence number differ. However, since this blog's main focus is on practical usage, let's delve into the architecture and console settings based on the content of this question. The problem suggests a traditional two-tier web-based application, commonly used in low-traffic scenarios, involving a Client and a Server directly using a database. Reading further, the customer is expected to grow significantly, so from a Solutions Architect's perspective, transitioning to a three-tier architecture is necessary. The actual migration services mentioned can be implemented as follows: The round-robin weights are set at a 50:50 ratio, as not specified in the question. Let's now check the console operations together. Application Load Balancer Operations : These settings are configured under LB - Target Group - Properties. Round-robin settings Sticky session settings Sticky sessions use cookies to bind traffic to specified servers. Load balancer-generated cookies are default, and application-based cookies are set by servers included in the load balancer. Aurora Auto Scaling Operations: Use the "Add Auto Scaling" option for replicas in RDS to create a leader instance. Before creation, configure the Auto Scaling policy by clicking the button as shown above. Note that even if multiple policies are applied, Scale Out is triggered upon satisfying any one policy. ※ cf. Routing algorithms for each ELB type: For Application Load Balancers , load balancer nodes receiving requests use the following process: Evaluate listener rules based on priority to determine applicable rules. Select targets from the target group for the rule action using the configured routing algorithm. The default routing algorithm is round-robin. Even if targets are registered in multiple target groups, routing is performed independently for each target group. For Network Load Balancers , load balancer nodes receiving connections use the following process: Use a flow hash algorithm to select targets from the target group for the default rule based on: Protocol Source IP address and port Destination IP address and port TCP sequence number Individual TCP connections are routed to a single target throughout the connection's life. TCP connections from clients can be routed to different targets due to differing source ports and sequence numbers. For Classic Load Balancers , load balancer nodes receiving requests select registered instances using: Round-robin routing algorithm for TCP listeners Least outstanding requests routing algorithm for HTTP and HTTPS listeners Weighted settings Though not mentioned in the question, traffic weighting is a key feature of load balancers. Question 2. A retail company must provide a series of data files to another company, its business partner. These files are stored in an Amazon S3 bucket belonging to Account A of the retail company. The business partner wants one of their IAM users, User_DataProcessor, from their own AWS account (Account B) to access the files. What combination of steps should the company perform to enable User_DataProcessor to successfully access the S3 bucket? (Select two.) ⓐ Enable CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) for the S3 bucket in Account A. ⓑ Set the S3 bucket policy in Account A as follows: { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:Getobject", "s3:ListBucket" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::AccountABucketName/*" } ⓒ Set the S3 bucket policy in Account A as follows: { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::AccountB:user/User_DataProcessor" }, "Action": [ "s3:GetObject" "se:ListBucket" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::AccountABucketName/*" ] } ⓓ Set the permissions for User_DataProcessor in Account B as follows: { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:GetObject", "s3:ListBucket" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::AccountABucketName/*" } ⓔ Set the permissions for User_DataProcessor in Account B as follows: { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::AccountB:user/User_DataProcessor" }, "Action": [ "s3:GetObject", "s3:ListBucket", ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::AccountABucketName/*" ] } Solutions This question revolves around how IAM in Account B should use policies to access files in a bucket in Account A. AWS S3 service allows granting permissions to users from other accounts to access objects they own. There's no need for Account B to access Account A's console; only resource lookup is necessary. Hence, adding IAM's Principal is unnecessary. Instead, it's necessary to open external account access to the S3 bucket. Therefore, the S3 policy opening B account with S3 permissions and Principal Option C and { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::AccountB:user/User_DataProcessor" }, "Action": [ "s3:GetObject", "s3:ListBucket" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::AccountABucketName/*" ] } IAM policy specifying S3 permissions and resource (A account bucket) Option D are the correct answers. { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:GestObject", "s3:ListBucket" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:::AccountABucketName/*" } Answer: C, D ※ cf. Depending on the type of access you want to provide, permissions can be granted as follows: IAM policies and resource-based bucket policies IAM policies and resource-based ACLs Cross-account IAM roles Question 3. A company is running an existing web application on Amazon EC2 instances and needs to refactor the application into microservices running in containers. Separate application versions exist for two different environments, Production and Testing. The application load is variable, but the minimum and maximum loads are known. The solution architect must design the updated application in a serverless architecture while minimizing operational complexity. Which solution most cost-effectively meets these requirements? ⓐ Upload container images as functions to AWS Lambda. Configure concurrency limits for the attached Lambda functions to handle the anticipated maximum load. Configure two separate Lambda integrations within Amazon API Gateway, one for Production and another for Testing. ⓑ Upload container images to Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR). Configure two auto-scaled Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) clusters with Fargate launch type to handle the expected load. Deploy tasks from ECR images. Configure two separate Application Load Balancers to route traffic to ECS clusters. ⓒ Upload container images to Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR). Configure two auto-scaled Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) clusters with Fargate launch type to handle the expected load. Deploy tasks from ECR images. Configure two separate Application Load Balancers to route traffic to EKS clusters. ⓓ In AWS Elastic Beanstalk, we create separate environments and deployments for production and testing. We configure two separate Application Load Balancers to route traffic to the Elastic Beanstalk deployment. Solutions The issue here involves refactoring microservices using containers on existing EC2s, essentially a service migration. In this instance, we will focus on four key areas: containers, microservices, serverless architecture, and cost efficiency before proceeding. Option A, AWS Lambda, is indeed serverless but not a container, hence it's eliminated. Option D, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, can use containers (Docker Image) but is categorized as PaaS, not precisely serverless, so it's also eliminated. This leaves us with Option B, ECS, and Option C, EKS. Considering the last criterion of cost efficiency, ECS is more affordable, making B the correct answer. Answer: B This problem is about constructing a simple architectural solution, so we will skip the process of working in the console. Conclusion I hope the AWS SA certification questions we covered today have been helpful to you. If you have any questions about the solutions, notice any errors, or have additional queries, please feel free to contact us anytime at partner@smileshark.kr .