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  • AWS Bedrock을 사용한 아키텍처 분석 feat. 아쉬운 결말

    AWS Bedrock을 사용한 아키텍처 분석 feat. 아쉬운 결말 Written by Minhyeok Cha 생성형 AI에 대해 엄청 말이 많았을 때, 블록체인처럼 한 번 뜨고 지는 해인 줄 알아서 관심도 주지 않고 공부도 하지 않고 있었습니다. 그런데 언제부터인가 ChatGPT나 Claude를 많이 사용하게 되었습니다. 사진이나 동영상을 자동으로 생성해주는 AI에 대한 글도 자주 보이더라고요. 이런 걸 보니 제가 많이 뒤쳐졌다는 걸 체감하고, 그나마 많이 사용중인 AWS - 그 중에서도 사용이 간단한 AWS Bedrock을 사용해 볼 생각입니다. 생성형 AI의 기본 용어나 기반이 되는 기술부터 정의 하는건 양이 많을 것 같아 넘어가도록 하겠습니다. 목차 AWS Bedrock 사용 Bedrock Knowledge base Knowledge base 만들기 사용된 함수 설명 마무리 (아쉬운 점) AWS Bedrock 사용 AWS Bedrock 사용은 사실 너무 유명해져서 다 아실 수 있겠지만 이 서비스 사용은 서버리스, API 형식의 간단한 사용법이 있습니다. Claude 모델을 예시로 들면 다음과 같이 사용 가능합니다. 그런데 사용 방법을 알아도 목적 없이 쓰려니까 제자리걸음을 하는 것 같아, 우리 회사 블로그를 뒤적이다 보니 예전에 쓴 Well-Architected 관련 글이 눈에 띄었습니다. 이걸 섞어보면 괜찮은 결과물이 나오겠다 싶었고요. 그래서 다음과 같이 한 번 합쳐봤습니다. 간단 아키텍처 설명 자료를 넣고 결과를 출력하는 2개의 버킷 Lambda Bedrock API call 및 Prompt 사용 FPDF import (PDF를 받기 위함) 한글 폰트 적용 Bedrock - Lambda에서 요청한 text 출력 Lambda에서는 layer를 통해 python 라이브러리 중 PDF를 뽑을 수 있도록 해주는 FPDF와 한글로 출력할 수 있도록 폰트 파일을 올렸습니다. Bedrock API는 위 스크립트를 참고하시고 저같은 경우는 아키텍처를 삽입하여 Well-Architected 관점의 개선사항을 출력하도록 텍스트를 집어 넣었습니다. 테스트 용으로 넣은 아키텍처는 간단하게 3-Tier 이미지를 사용했습니다. Lambda 로그는 CloudWatch 로그 그룹에서 확인합니다. 라고는 했지만 따로 로그 출력문을 만들진 않았고 동작 확인 정도만.. 이후 결과물 버킷 확인 잘 나오긴 했지만, 제가 원하던 것은 이런 것이 아니었습니다. AWS Bedrock을 이용해 진행해봤지만, 퀄리티가 마음에 들지 않았습니다. 말투도 바꾸고 싶고, 보여줄 정보와 숨길 정보를 구분하고 싶은데 방법이 마땅치 않았습니다. Bedrock Knowledge base 우리가 간단하게 접근하는 ChatGPT나 Claude도 자기만의 모델을 쓰고 있으며, 이는 각 회사에서 충분히 학습시킨 그들의 모델을 저희가 빌려쓴다고 봐도 무방합니다. 하지만 제 목적은 Well-Architected에 대해 전문적으로 보고서를 작성하는 것입니다. 이런 면에서 AWS Bedrock이 제공하는 Knowledge base 기능이 도움이 되는 것을 확인했습니다. Knowledge base는 간단하게 설명하면 RAG을 지원함으로써 관련성이 높고 정확한 맞춤형 응답을 제공할 수 있습니다. RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) 외부 지식 소스에서 관련 정보를 검색하여 LLM의 응답 생성을 보강하는 방법입니다. 작동 방식: • 검색 (Retrieval): 주어진 쿼리나 질문과 관련된 정보를 외부 데이터베이스나 지식 베이스에서 찾습니다. • 증강 (Augmentation): 검색된 정보를 원래의 프롬프트에 추가합니다. • 생성(Generation): 증강된 프롬프트를 바탕으로 LLM이 응답을 생성합니다. Knowledge base 만들기 Bedrock에 들어가면 위 사진처럼 하단에 지식 기반을 확인할 수 있는데, 이를 클릭하면 필요한 리소스를 제공하라고 나옵니다. 저는 간단하게 S3에 CSV 파일을 넣어 만들어 봤습니다. 이 외에도 크롤링이나 다른 서비스를 결합하여 사용이 가능하다고 합니다. 추가로 Knowledge base API를 사용하는데 이미지는 임베딩 값이 너무 커서 (2만자 제한) 이미지를 읽지 못합니다. 스마일샤크 GenAI SA 김현민 님께 조언을 받은 결과 Multi Modal RAG를 사용한 이미지 분할 임베딩 후 Prompt와 연관을 짓는 맵핑 작업이 필요하다는 것을 깨달았습니다. Knowledge base는 기본적으로 임베딩 값이 Opensearch Serverless에 들어가기 때문에 CSV 파일 및 쿼리할 이미지 임베딩 값을 하나의 Opensearch로 진행할 예정입니다. 다음과 같은 과정을 거친 최종 아키텍처는 다음과 같습니다. 코드 설명까진 양이 생각보다 많아 스킵하겠지만 간단한 Bedrock API 사용 설명 및 결과물을 하나씩 설명하겠습니다. 먼저 사용할 Lambda가 저기에 붙어있는 서비스의 권한들을 할당받아야 하는게 먼저여서 S3 in/output 권한과 bedrock 그리고 opensearch가 있는데 이때 Bedrock에서 만들어 주는건 serverless고 권한도 그에 맞춰야 합니다. 추가로 opensearch serverless는 Bedrock Knowledge base 생성시 자동으로 만들어지며 이 부분에서 서로 연결되도록 짜여있지만 Lambda는 이어지지 않기 때문에 여기서 Lambda ARN을 기입하셔야 임베딩 벡터가 삽입됩니다. 사용된 함수 설명 image_embedding 모델: amazon.tita-embed-image-v1 역할: 이미지를 벡터로 임베딩합니다. 이 임베딩은 이미지의 특성을 수치화한 표현으로, 나중에 유사한 이미지를 검색하거나 이미지의 특성을 분석하는데 사용될 수 있습니다. 💡 임베딩된 벡터값을 확인합니다. 해당 임베딩이 잘 되었는지 확인하기 위해 테스트 해보니 위에서 나온 글자 제한 수에 걸려서 출력이 안된게 잘 나왔습니다. analyze_image 모델: anthropic.claude-3-sonnet-20240229-v1:0 역할: 이미지를 분석하여 상세한 설명을 생성합니다. 이 모델은 아키텍처 이미지를 색상, 행동, 텍스트, 운용 등을 포함한 종합적인 설명을 제공합니다. query_knowledge_base 모델: anthropic.claude-3-sonnet-20240229-v1:0 역할: 이미지 설명을 바탕으로 지식 기반에서 관련 정보를 추출하거나, 관련 정보가 없는 경우 이미지 설명에 대한 일반적인 분석이나 해석을 제공합니다. 위의 이미지 임베딩 값, input으로 넣은 이미지 분석, 이를 토대로 한 매핑 작업, 마지막으로 knowledge base 데이터 소스를 끌어와 query_knowledge_base 함수를 통해 다음과 같은 출력물을 얻을 수 있었습니다. 잘 불러와지기는 하지만 출력한 pdf가 출력된 글이 너저분하게 표시되네요. 해당 부분을 교정하는 작업과 knowledge base 데이터를 조금 더 개선해야 할 상황이 보이긴 합니다. (예시로 넣은 prompt: SEC의 각 숫자에 대해 괄호 안의 정보가 직접 넣은 knowledge base 데이터 소스와 조금씩 다름) 마무리 (아쉬운 점) 사실 이 AWS Bedrock을 사용한 아키텍처 분석에 Well Architected를 첨가하여 계획하고 구성하는 것 까지는 좋았으나 아쉬운 부분이 있었습니다. 먼저 Well Architected는 리소스 기반의 체크리스트도 있지만 회사 운영 프로세스를 잘 관리하고 있는지에 대한 내용또한 많습니다. 이는 하나의 아키텍처로는 전부 출력할 수 없는 부분입니다. 그래서 개선 사항에 프롬프트를 리소스를 기입하거나 회사 지침 등을 추가하여 체크 여부를 늘릴 수 있도록 해야 더 많은 내용이 나올 것 같네요. 다음 사항은 코드도 잘 몰라서 찾아 헤매다 보니 LangChain 프레임워크의 존재 여부를 너무 늦게 알아버린 것입니다. 혹시 다른 분들은 참고하실 수 있도록 LangChain 개념과 관련된 링크를 하나 추가합니다. (저도 읽어보러 가보겠습니다.)

  • AWS IAM Practical Guide: 4 Use Cases for Advanced Configuration and Real-world Implementation (2/2)

    AWS IAM Practical Guide: 4 Use Cases for Advanced Configuration and Real-world Implementation (2/2) Written by Hyojung Yoon Hello! Welcome back to the SmileShark guide on AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). In this edition, we've prepared content that explores how IAM can be utilized in real business situations, along with hands-on practice exercises. We'll look at frequently asked questions and essential know-how that you can apply immediately in the field. Let's get started! Context Practical IAM Setup: Learning Through Use Cases Strengthening Root Account Security Configuring IAM for Development Teams Managing IAM in Multi-Account Environments Managing External Partner Access Results and Effects of IAM Implementation IAM Security Best Practices IAM Trouble Shooting and Monitoring Common IAM Errors and Their Solutions Monitoring IAM Activities with CloudTrail Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) What's the key difference between IAM users and IAM roles? How often should we rotate access keys? What should I be mindful of when writing IAM policies? What advantages does using AWS Organizations offer? How should I handle a lost MFA device? Conclusion Practical IAM Setup: Learning Through Use Cases Let's examine the practical implementation of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) through four diverse business scenarios, demonstrating its critical role in enhancing security and operational efficiency in enterprise environments. 1. Strengthening Root Account Security The root account, often referred to as the "superuser" account, holds unrestricted access to all AWS services and resources. As such, it requires exceptional security measures. Q: How can I manage the root account securely? What configurations should I implement? A: To manage the root account securely, it's crucial to enable multi-factor authentication (MFA), remove access keys, and establish a robust password policy. These measures significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access. Practice: Root Account Security Configuration 1) Activate MFA(Multi-Factor Authentication) Log in to the AWS Console > Click on your account name in the top right > Select 'Security credentials' Choose 'Assign MFA' > Enter a device name and select your preferred authentication app > Click 'Next' After confirming the app used for your virtual MFA device, click 'Show QR code' Enter the first number generated by the app in 'MFA code 1' > Enter the subsequent number in 'MFA code 2' > Click 'Add MFA' 2) Remove Root Account Access Keys (if present) Navigate to 'My Security Credentials' > Locate the 'Access keys' section If you find any existing access keys, choose 'Delete' 3) Implement a Strong Pass word Policy Go to IAM dashboard > Select 'Account settings' Confirming the password policy as follows: Custom > Minimum 14 characters, including a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters 💡 Pro Tip: Reserve the root account for initial setup and critical tasks only. For day-to-day operations, rely on IAM user accounts with appropriate permissions. 2. Configuring IAM for Development Teams Now, let's look at how to set up IAM to allow your development team secure access to necessary AWS resources. Q: What's an efficient way to manage AWS resource access permissions for my development team members? A: An effective approach is to create IAM groups, attach relevant policies to these groups, and then add developers to the appropriate groups. This method enables streamlined permission management. Practice: Development Team IAM Setup 1) Create an IAM Group and Attach Policies From the IAM dashboard, select 'User groups' and click 'Create group' Assign a name to the group (e.g., 'DevTeamA') In the 'Add users to group' section, input usernames and select the newly created 'DevTeamA' group For attaching permission policies, choose 'AWS managed policies' and search for and add necessary policies e.g., AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess, AmazonEC2FullAccess Click 'Next step' and finalize the group creation 2) Generate Access Keys After creating a user, navigate to the 'Security credentials' tab Select 'Create access key' to generate a new access key 💡 Pro Tip: Make it a practice to rotate access keys regularly and promptly deactivate any unused keys to enhance security. 3. Managing IAM in Multi-Account Environments Large organizations often utilize multiple AWS accounts. Let's explore effective ways to manage IAM in such complex environments. Q: We're using multiple AWS accounts. Is there an efficient way to manage them? A: Absolutely. You can implement centralized management using AWS Organizations and utilize cross-account IAM roles to establish secure access between accounts. Practice: Setting Up AWS Organizations and Cross-Account Access 1) AWS Organizations Setup Access the AWS Organizations console Select 'Create organization' and complete the setup process 2) Establish a Cross-Account Role Access the IAM console of the target account Select 'Roles' and click 'Create role' Choose 'AWS account' > 'Another AWS account' and input the account ID you wish to grant access Attach appropriate permission policies (e.g., ReadOnlyAccess) 3) Test Cross-Account Access Use AWS CLI from the source account aws sts assume-role --role-arn arn:aws:iam::TARGET_ACCOUNT_ID:role/ROLE_NAME --role-session-name TEST_SESSION 4. Managing External Partner Access There are times when you need to grant temporary AWS resource access to external partners. IAM roles can be particularly useful in such scenarios. Q: What's the safest method to temporarily grant AWS resource access to an external partner? A: The most secure approach is to create an IAM role, assign only the minimum necessary permissions to that role, and then issue temporary credentials through AWS Security Token Service (STS). Practice: Creating an IAM Role for External Partners 1) Create an IAM Role Sign in to the AWS Management Console and navigate to the IAM service Select 'Roles' and click 'Create role' Choose 'Another AWS account' and enter the partner's AWS account ID in the 'Account ID' field 2) Attach a Permission Policy In the 'Attach policies' section, search for and add the necessary policies For example: AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess Provide a role name (e.g., ExternalCollaborateRole) Add 'Tags' if needed, then click 'Review' and click to 'Create roles' 3) Generate Temporary Credentials In the IAM dashboard, locate and click on the role you just created Select the 'Trust relationships' tab and click 'Edit trust relationship' In the JSON policy document, verify that the partner's AWS account ID is correctly set Use the 'Copy role URL' or 'Send a link to this role' option to generate a URL for accessing the role 4) Provide Temporary Credentials Securely transmit the generated role URL to your partner Provide clear instructions on how to use the role and any necessary precautions 💡Pro Tip: You can limit the validity period of temporary credentials by configuring the 'Maximum CLU/API session duration' in the IAM role setting. Additionally, enhance security by minimizing the role's permissions to only what's absolutely necessary. Results and Effects of IAM Implementation Implementing the four IAM practices we've discussed can yield significant benefits: Enhanced Security Reduced risk of unauthorized access through root account protection Minimized risk of account compromise through MFA implementation Overall improvement in security posture by applying the principle of least privilege Efficient Management Simplified user management through group-based permission allocation Centralized multi-account management via AWS Organizations Flexible resource access management using cross-account roles Cost Optimization Prevention of resource misuse by eliminating unnecessary permissions Reduced duplicate investments through efficient resource sharing Simplified Compliance and Auditing Meeting regulatory compliance requirements through granular permission control Streamlined auditing and tracking of all IAM activities via comprehensive CloudTrail logging Improved Collaboration Establishment of a secure collaboration environment with external partners Support for smooth collaboration through tailored permissions for each project and team IAM Security Best Practices Adhering to AWS IAM security best practices can significantly enhance your overall AWS environment security: Minimize Root Account Usage : Use the root account only for account creation and initial setup. Perform subsequent operations Enforce a Strong Password Policy : Apply a robust password policy to all IAM users to ensure passwords are not easily guessable. Implement MFA : Set up multi-factor authentication (MFA) for all user accounts to add an extra layer of security. Regularly Review Permissions : Periodically review the permissions of IAM users and roles, and remove any unnecessary permissions. Utilize the Policy Simulator : Use the IAM policy simulator to verify that policies are functioning as intended. Moninor via CloudTrail : Leverage CloudTrail to monitor IAM activities and track who performed what actions. IAM Troubleshooting and Monitoring Common IAM Errors and Their Solutions 1. Access Denied Error Cause: Occurs when a user or role lacks the necessary permissions. Solution: Review the policy of the user or role and add the required permissions. 2. InvalidClientTokenId Error Cause: Happens when an access key is incorrect or has expired. Solution: Verify the access key in the IAM console and generate a new key if necessary. 3. MalfomedPolicyDocument Error Cause: Arises when the JSON format of an IAM policy document is incorrect. Solution: Use a JSON validation tool to check and correct the policy document format. Monitoring IAM Activities with CloudTrail Navigate to the CloudTrail service in the AWS Management Console. Click 'Create trail' to set up a new trail. Provide a trail name and decide whether to apply it to all regions. Choose an existing S3 bucket or create a new one to specify where logs will be stored. Optionally, you can configure sending logs to CloudWatch Logs. CloudTrail allows you to monitor IAM activities in detail and respond swiftly to any security incidents. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Q: What's the key difference between IAM users and IAM roles? A: IAM users are permanent identities that can continuously access AWS resources. They're typically assigned to specific individuals or applications. On the other hand, IAM roles are sets of permissions that can be assumed temporarily when needed. Roles are particularly useful when users need temporary access to AWS resources for specific tasks. Q: How often should we rotate access keys? A: AWS recommends rotating access keys every 90 days to enhance security. However, depending on your organization's security policy, you might choose to rotate them more frequently. Regular key rotation helps mitigate long-term security risks. Q: What should I be mindful of when writing IAM policies? A: The most critical principle when crafting IAM policies is to adhere to the 'principle of least privilege'. This means granting only the minimum permissions necessary to perform required tasks. It's also advisable to minimize the use of wildcards (*) and instead specify concrete resource ARNs whenever possible. Q: What advantages does using AWS Organizations offer? A: AWS Organizations allows for centralized management of multiple AWS accounts. This enables automated account creation, group-based account management, and policy-based integrated management. These features allow for more systematic and efficient operation of large-scale AWS environments. Q: How should I handle a lost MFA device? A: If you lose the MFA device for your root account, contact AWS Customer Support and explain the situation. The support team can deactivate MFA after going through an identity verification process. You can then register a new MFA device. For IAM accounts, you can access with the root account or an IAM account with administrator permissions to remove the MFA device. After that, you can register a new MFA device. Conclusion Throughout this AWS IAM practical guide, we've explored how IAM can be effectively utilized in real-world business scenarios. From enhancing root account security to practicing various scenarios, we've covered practical ways to leverage IAM. IAM stands as one of the most critical security services in the AWS ecosystem. When properly configured, IAM enables secure protection of AWS resources and efficient access control. By applying the best practices outlined in this guide, you can significantly enhance the overall security posture of your AWS environment. Remember, security isn't a one-time task but an ongoing process. Regularly review your IAM settings, stay updated with the latest security recommendations, and strive to maintain a secure and efficient AWS environment.

  • AWS EKS 로그 관리...다들 하고 계시죠?

    AWS EKS 로그 관리...다들 하고 계시죠? - AWS EKS에서 효과적인 로그 관리 Fluent Bit으로 시작하기 Written by Minhyeok Cha 예전에 공부하려고 작성한 노트들을 정리하다 EKS 관련된 글을 발견했습니다. 완전 주니어때 정리한 거라 제가 이해하고 작성한 건지도 모르겠더라고요. 그래서 다시 복습도 할 겸, 블로그 소재로 삼을 겸 하나 들고 왔습니다. 간단한 아키텍처로 먼저 소개하겠습니다. nginx이미지는 그냥 로그 테스트용으로 넣었습니다. 사실 이게 없으면 아키텍처가 너무 심심해 보여서 억지로 끼워 넣은 거라고 봐도 무방합니다. 이제 Fluent-bit이라는 새 친구를 통해 로그 가져다가 OpenSearch로 보내는 과정을 살펴보려고 합니다. 목차 Fluent-bit이란? Fluentd와 Fluent-bit의 차이점 데모 시작 EKS 클러스터 생성, Opensearch 도메인 생성 OICD 생성 OpenSearch 액세스 권한 부여 Fluent Bit 설치 테스트 이미지 배포 및 Fluent Bit 로그 확인 Opensearch 도메인 접속 및 로그 확인 마무리 Fluent-bit이란? 본격적으로 시작하기 전에 Fluent-bit가 무엇을 하는 친구인지 알아보겠습니다. Fluentd는 사실 많이 들었던 EFK (Elasticsearch, Fluentd, Kibana) 에서 F를 담당하는 친구입니다. 이 친구는 EFK의 하나인 만큼 많은 곳에서 신뢰를 얻는 오픈소스 로그 수집기입니다. 그리고 오늘 사용할 Fluent Bit는 최대한 가볍게 사용하기 위해 만들어졌습니다. Fluentd와 Fluent-bit의 차이점 Fluentd Fluent Bit 리소스 사용 많은 리소스를 사용합니다. (일반적으로 수십 MB의 메모리) 매우 경량화되어 있어 메모리 사용량이 적습니다.(보통 수 MB) 기능성 플러그인과 확장 기능을 제공하여 복잡한 로그 처리 시나리오를 지원합니다. 기본적인 로그 수집 및 전송 기능에 초점을 맞춥니다. 구성 복잡성 더 복잡한 구성이 가능하며, 고급 기능을 위해서는 더 많은 설정이 필요할 수 있습니다. 비교적 간단한 구성으로 시작할 수 있습니다. 💡 Fluent Bit이 더 가볍고 사용이 용이하다고 합니다. 데모 시작 1. EKS 클러스터 생성, Opensearch 도메인 생성 💡 이 부분(EKS, 도메인 생성)은 주요 내용이 아니라 패스하겠습니다. 2. OIDC 생성 # eksctl로 만드는 방법 eksctl utils associate-iam-oidc-provider \ --cluster eks \ --approve IAM 역할에 연결할 정책 생성 fluent-bit-policy { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Action": [ "es:ESHttp*" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:es:${AWS_REGION}:${ACCOUNT_ID}:domain/${ES_DOMAIN_NAME}", "Effect": "Allow" } ] } 위에서 만든 OIDC와 정책을 가지고 iamserviceaccount 생성 kubectl create namespace log eksctl create iamserviceaccount \ --name fluent-bit \ --namespace log \ --cluster eks-logging \ --attach-policy-arn "arn:aws:iam::${ACCOUNT_ID}:policy/fluent-bit-policy" \ --approve \ --override-existing-serviceaccounts 💡 콘솔로 가서 생성된 역할 및 적용된 정책, Opensearch 도메인 등이 잘 적용되었는지 확인합니다. 3. OpenSearch 액세스 권한 부여 사전에 생성된 혹은 기존에 있는 오픈서치 ID와 PW를 변수로 넣고 다음 명령어를 사용합니다. curl -sS -u " ${ES_DOMAIN_USER} : ${ES_DOMAIN_PASSWORD} " \ -X PATCH \ "https://{opensearchendpoint}/_opendistro/_security/api/rolesmapping/all_access?pretty" \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '[ { "op": "add", "path": "/backend_roles", "value": ["'iamsa:role:arn'"] } ]' 4. Fluent Bit 설치 Fluent Bit은 쿠버네티스 기준으로 config 설정과 데몬셋을 배포해 주면, 완료입니다. 먼저 cluster role을 만들고 service account와 바인딩 작업을 해주는 파일을 하나 작성합니다. --- apiVersion: kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: fluent-bit-read rules: - apiGroups: [""] resources: - namespaces - pods verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"] --- apiVersion: kind: ClusterRoleBinding metadata: name: fluent-bit-read roleRef: apiGroup: kind: ClusterRole name: fluent-bit-read subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: fluent-bit namespace: log ConfigMap입니다. --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: fluent-bit-config namespace: logging labels: k8s-app: fluent-bit data: fluent-bit.conf: | [SERVICE] Flush 1 Log_Level info Daemon off Parsers_File parsers.conf HTTP_Server On HTTP_Listen HTTP_Port 2020 @INCLUDE input-kubernetes.conf @INCLUDE filter-kubernetes.conf @INCLUDE output-elasticsearch.conf input-kubernetes.conf: | [INPUT] Name tail Tag kube.* Path /var/log/nginx/access.log Parser docker DB /var/log/flb_kube.db Mem_Buf_Limit 50MB Skip_Long_Lines On Refresh_Interval 10 filter-kubernetes.conf: | [FILTER] Name kubernetes Match kube.* Kube_URL https://kubernetes.default.svc:443 Kube_CA_File /var/run/secrets/ Kube_Token_File /var/run/secrets/ Kube_Tag_Prefix kube.var.log.containers. Merge_Log On Merge_Log_Key log_processed K8S-Logging.Parser On K8S-Logging.Exclude Off output-elasticsearch.conf: | output-opensearch.conf: | [OUTPUT] Name es Match * Host "오픈서치 도메인" Port 443 TLS On AWS_Auth On AWS_Region ap-northeast-2 Index "오픈서치에 들어갈 인덱스" Replace_Dots On Suppress_Type_Name On 제가 config 부분에서 애를 먹었는데, output에서 "Suppress_Type_Name"을 켜야 합니다. 처음에 설치 후 로그를 쏴보니 Fluent Bit에서 OpenSearch로 보낼 수 없다는 오류만 나와서 역할 바인딩 이슈의 문제인 줄 알았습니다. 삽질하여 찾아본 결과, Fluent Bit의 설정이 최신 OpenSearch 버전과 호환되지 않아 그런 거더라고요. 따라서 위와 같이 configmap 설정을 하여 로그 전송에 성공하였습니다. parser.conf 파일도 공식 링크에 잘 작성되어 있으며, 저희는 테스트를 nginx로 진행할 예정이라 다음과 같이 사용했습니다. parsers.conf: | [PARSER] Name nginx Format regex Regex ^(?[^ ]*) (?[^ ]*) (?[^ ]*) \[(?[^\]]*)\] "(?\S+)(?: +(?[^\"]*?)(?: +\S*)?)?" (?[^ ]*) (?[^ ]*)(?: "(?[^\"]*)" "(?[^\"]*)") Time_Key time Time_Format %d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z [PARSER] Name json Format json Time_Key time Time_Format %d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z [PARSER] Name docker Format json Time_Key time Time_Format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L Time_Keep On Deamonset 입니다. --- apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: DaemonSet metadata: name: fluent-bit namespace: log labels: k8s-app: fluent-bit-logging version: v1 "true" spec: selector: matchLabels: k8s-app: fluent-bit-logging template: metadata: labels: k8s-app: fluent-bit-logging version: v1 "true" annotations: "true" "2020" /api/v1/metrics/prometheus spec: containers: - name: fluent-bit image: amazon/aws-for-fluent-bit:2.5.0 imagePullPolicy: Always ports: - containerPort: 2020 volumeMounts: - name: varlog mountPath: /var/log - name: varlibdockercontainers mountPath: /var/lib/docker/containers readOnly: true - name: fluent-bit-config mountPath: /fluent-bit/etc/ terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 10 volumes: - name: varlog hostPath: path: /var/log - name: varlibdockercontainers hostPath: path: /var/lib/docker/containers - name: fluent-bit-config configMap: name: fluent-bit-config serviceAccountName: fluent-bit 남은 부분은 제가 저번에 작성한 데이터 파이프라인 구축 중 logstash와 비슷한 맥락의 파일입니다. 정확한 설명 참고는 공식 문서를 읽어보면 좋을 것 같습니다. 5. 테스트 이미지 배포 및 Fluent Bit 로그 확인 # 데모 nginx pod 만들기 kubectl run nginx --image=nginx -n default # nginx에 10개의 HTTP GET 요청을 하는 루프 for i in {1..10}; do kubectl exec -it nginx -n default -- curl -s http://{파드 IP 조회해서 기입} | grep -q . && echo "Request $i: Success" || echo "Request $i: Failure" done # nginx pod 로그 확인 kubectl logs nginx -n default # fluent bit 로그 적재 및 전달 확인 kubectl logs (fluent bit pod name) -n log Opensearch 도메인 접속 및 로그 확인 Opensearch에서는 패턴을 만들어야 대시보드에서 로그를 간편하게 볼 수 있습니다. 💡 nginx에 쏜 로그가 전달된 것을 확인할 수 있습니다. 마무리 Fluent Bit이 컨테이너에서 주로 쓰는 로그 수집기로 유명해 AWS OpenSearch와 EKS 클러스터를 통합하는 데모 세션을 EKS 복습 겸 진행해 보았습니다. EKS는 manifest 파일로 운용되는 느낌이 강해서 다시 보니 yaml 파일만 잔뜩 있어 읽기가 귀찮네요. 그래서 더 쉬운 방법이 없나 찾아봤는데, 요즘엔 이런 것도 있더라고요. 이 글을 보시는 분들은 helm 사용법을 찾아보시면 좋을 것 같습니다. 그리고 개인적으로 궁금했던 Logstach가 컨테이너에 못 쓰는 이유를 찾아봤습니다. 사이즈가 무거운 것도 있지만 핵심 기능 중 하나인 영구 큐 같은 기능이 스테이트리스 컨테이너 환경에서 사용이 힘들다고 하네요. 이번에 컨테이너 로그 구축을 하며 느낀 점은, 뭐든 하기 전에 공식 문서를 먼저 읽는 게 좋다는 것입니다. 파일 하나하나 읽어가면서 오랜만에 삽질도 하고 눈도 아팠네요. 여러분들은 이점을 참고하셔서 눈 아프지 마시길 바랍니다.

  • AWS Certification Types & Tiers : Updated AWS Certification in 2024

    AWS Certification Types & Tiers : Updated AWS Certification - Retirements and New borns Written by Hyojung Yoon Hello! Today we're going to learn about AWS certifications. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a cloud computing platform provided by Amazon and is one of the most popular cloud service provider in the world. According to Michael Yu, Client Market Leader of Skillsoft Technology and Developer Portfolio, "The skyrocketing value of cloud-related certifications is not a new phenomenon," indicating that more companies are using cloud computing platforms. Among cloud-related certifications, AWS Certification is known to validate the technical skills and cloud expertise needed to advance your career and scale your business. There are a few changes to AWS certifications this year, so we've put together a blog to help guide you, so let's get started! 목차 AWS Certification Overview What is AWS Certifications?   Types of AWS Certification   Certification Validity   Changes on 2024 New Exam Question Types New Certification Retirement Certifications Tiers of AWS Certification Foundational AWS Certification   Cloud Practitioner   AI Practitioner - Registration opens on August 13, 2024 Associate AWS Certifications   SysOps Administrator   Developer Solutions Architect Data Engineer Machine Learning Engineer - Registration opens on August 13, 2024 Professional AWS Certifications Solutions Architect DevOps Engineer Specialty AWS Certifications Advanced Networking Machine Learning Security AWS Certification Paths 5 AWS Certifications expected to be more in demand in 2024 Conclusion   AWS Certification Overview 1. What is AWS Certifications? AWS certifications are programs that allow you to demonstrate your knowledge and expertise in using the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud computing platform. AWS certifications focus on a variety of areas, including cloud architecture, development, and operations, and are organized into different levels. Certification exams are administered in multiple languages at testing centers around the world. 2. Types of AWS Certification AWS offers granular certifications for different roles and skill levels. These certifications are divided into four tiers: Foundational, Associate , Professional , and Specialty . 3. Certification Validity Certifications are valid for three years  from the date they are earned, so be sure to keep them up to date before they expire. For Foundational and Associate level certifications, you can also fulfill the renewal requirements for Sage certifications by passing a higher level exam or renewing your certification. 4. Changes for 2024 New Exam Question Types Three new question types are being introduced forAWS Certified AI Practitioner and AWS Certified Machine Learning Engineer - Associate. The new question types are ordering questions, matching questions and case study questions. The intent of this change is to assess candidates' practical skills with questions that are closer to real-world situations. The addition of the new question types will not result in significant changes to exams. The total number of exam questions and standard allotted time will remain the same. Explore question types Ordering questions Ordering questions require you to place a series of steps or a list of responses into a logical order. You will use a drop down mechanism to select the correct order for a list of 3-6 responses to complete a specified task. Matching questions Matching questions include a list of 3-6 prompts and a list of responses to match with the prompts. Case study questions For case study questions, you will read a scenario and answer two or more questions about the scenario. The scenario is the same for each question in the case study. Each question in the case study will be evaluated separately. New Certification AWS Certified Data Engineer - Associate , which has been available in beta since November of last year, will be available for the standard version starting in April 2024. This certification validates your skills and knowledge of core data-related AWS services, your ability to implement data pipelines, monitor and resolve issues, and optimize cost and performance according to best practices. Additionally, beta registration for AWS Certified AI Practitioner and AWS Certified Machine Learning Engineer - Associate will begin on August 13th, 2024. According to study commissioned by AWS, organizations are willing to pay 43% more to hire AI-skilled workers in sales & marketing, 42% more in finance, 41% more in business operations, and 47% more inIT professionals. Retirement Certifications Three certifications are retiring this year. AWS Certified Data Analytics will not be available for examination after April 9, 2024, AWS Certified Database - Specialty, and AWS Certified SAP on AWS - Specialty will not be available for examination after April 30, 2024. If you hold these certifications, they are valid for three years from the date you earned them, and you can renew them by retaking them on or before April 8, 2024 and April 29, 2024, respectively. Tiers of AWS Certification Foundational AWS Certification 1. Cloud Practitioner (CLF) Target Candidates Individuals with a basic understanding of the AWS cloud platform Individuals with no IT of cloud background transitioning into a cloud career Exam Overview Cloud Concepts(24%), Security and Compliance(30%), Cloud Technology and Services(34%), Billing, Pricing and Support(12%) Cost $100 | 65 questions | 90 minutes  2. AI Practitioner  (AIF) : Registration opens on August 13, 2024 Target Candidates Individuals who are familiar with, but do not necessarily build, solutions using AI/ML technologies on AWS Exam Overview Fundamental concepts and terminologies of AI/ML and generative AI, Use cases of AI/ML and generative AI, Design considerations for foundation models, Models Training and Fine tuning, Prompt engineering, Foundation model evaluation criteria, Responsible AI, Security and compliance for AI systems Cost $75 * | 85 questions | 120 minutes Go to beta registration → AWS Certified AI Practitioner *Beta exams are offered at a 50% discount from standard exam pricing Associate AWS Certifications 1.   SysOps Administrator  (SOA) Target Candidates 1 year of experience with deployment, management, networking, and security on AWS Exam Overview the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate exam will not include exam labs until further more. Monitoring, Logging, and Remediation(20%) Reliability and Business Continuity(16%) Deployment, Provisioning, and Automation(18%) Security and Compliance(16%) Networking and Content Delivery(18%) Cost and Performance Optimization(12%) Cost $150 | 65개 questions | 130 minutes 2.  Developer  (DVA) Target Candidates 1 + years of hands-on experience in developing and maintaining applications by using AWS services Exam Overview Deployment with AWS Services(32%) Security(26%) Deployment(24%) Troubleshooting and Optimization(18%) Cost $150 | 65 questions | 130 minutes 3. Solutions Architect (SAA) Targe Candidates 1 + years of hands-on experience designing cloud solutions that use AWS services Exam Overview Design Secure Architectures(30%) Design Resilient Architectures(26%) Design High-Performing Architectures(24%) Design Cost-Optimized Architectures(20%) Cost $150 | 65 questions | 130 minutes 4. Data Engineer (DEA) Target Candidates 2 + years of experience in data engineering 1 + years of hands-on experience with AWS services Exam Overview Demand for data engineer roles increased by 42% year over year per a Dice tech jobs report Data Ingestion and Transformation(34%) Data Store Management(26%) Data Operations and Support(22%) Data Security and Governance(18%) Cost $150 | 65 questions | 130 minutes 5. Machine Learning Engineer (MLA) : Registration opens on August 13, 2024 Targe Candidates Individuals with at least 1 year of experience using Amazon SageMaker and other ML engineering AWS services Exam Overview Data preparation for ML models, Feature engineering, Model training, Model performance and metrics, Model integration and deployment, Performance and cost optimization, Security Cost $75 * | 85 questions | 170 minutes Go to beta registration → AWS Certified Machine Learning Engineer *Beta exams are offered at a 50% discount from standard exam pricing Professional AWS Certifications 1. Solutions Architect (SAP) Target Candidates 2 + years of experience in using AWS services to design and implement cloud solutions Exam Overview Design Solutions for Organizational Complexity(26%) Design for New Solutions(29%) Continuous Improvement for Existing Solutions(25%) Accelerate Workload Migration and Modernization(20%) Cost $300 | 75 questions | 180 minutes 2. DevOps Engineer (DOP) Target Candidates 2 + years of experience in provisioning, operating, and managing AWS environments Experience with software development lifecycle and programming and/or scripting Exam Overview Job listings requiring this certification have increased by 52% between Oct 2021 and Sept 2022 (source: Lightcast™ September 2022). SDLC Automation(22%) Configuration Management and IaC(17%) Resilient Cloud Solutions(15%) Monitoring and Logging(15%) Incident and Event Response(14%) Security and Compliance(17%) Cost $300 | 75 questions | 180 minutes Specialty AWS Certifications 1. Advanced Networking  (ANS) Target Candidates 5 + years of networking experience with 2 + years of cloud and hybrid networking experience Exam Overview Network Design(30%) Network Implementation(26%) Network Management and Operation(20%) Network Security, Compliance, and Governance(24%) Cost $300 | 65 questions | 170 minutes 2. Machine Learning  (MLS) Target Candidates 2 + years of experience developing, architecting, and running ML or deep learning workloads in the AWS Cloud Exam Overview Data Engineering(20%) Exploratory Data Analysis(24%) Modeling(36%) Machine Learning Implementation and Operations(20%) Cost $300 | 65 questions | 180 minutes 3. Security  (SCS) Target Candidates 2 + years of hands-on experience in securing AWS workloads 3~5 + years of experience in designing and implementing security solutions Exam Overview Threat Detection and Incident Response(14%) Security Logging and Monitoring(18%) Infrastructure Security(20%) Identity and Access Management(16%) Data Protection(18%) Management and Security(14%) Cost $300 | 65 questions | 170 minutes AWS Certification Paths *Zoom in on the image to see the AWS Certification Paths. Above are the top cloud jobs, their responsibilities, and the AWS Certification paths that fit those roles. Choose the job that interests you and start your AWS Certification journey to achieve your career goals! ※ Which AWS Certification should I start with? New to IT and Cloud From a non-IT background, switching to a cloud career? Start with AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner that validates foundational knowledge of AWS Cloud and terminology Line-of-Business Roles In sales/marketing or other business roles? Start with AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner that validates foundational knowledge of AWS Cloud and terminology IT Professionals Do you have 1~3 years of IT or STEM background? Start with An Associate-level AWS Certification that aligns with your role or interests. 5 AWS Certifications expected to be more in demand in 2024 Surveys and job market analysis on platforms like LinkedIn, Glassdoor, and Indeed show a steady increase in the number of job listings that require AWS certification as a preferred qualification. Based on analysis of IT and cloud computing industry trends, market trends, and demand, the following AWS certifications are expected to be in high demand by 2024. 1. AWS Solutions Architect - Associate AWS Solutions Architect - Associate is a highly regarded certification that is widely applicable in AWS. Those who hold the SAA have seen their average salary grow from $155,200 to $160,052 in less than a year, demonstrating the growing recognition and value of the certification in the industry. 2. AWS Solutions Architect - Professional Following the Associate level, the Solutions Architect - Professional certification signifies expertise in complex AWS solutions. Certified professionals report an average salary increase of 27%, further emphasizing the demand, which indicates the industry's high regard for SAP. SAP is highlighted in industry salary surveys like Robert Half or PayScale as correlating to higher earnings and job titles. 3. AWS DevOps Engineer - Professional Demand for DevOps engineers is expected to increase as organizations are increasingly adopting DevOps practices to increase efficiency and improve the frequency of deployments. They are also in high demand as they become more integrated with cloud infrastructure management. 4. AWS Machine Learning - Specialty The explosive growth of AI/ML is driving demand for people skilled in designing, implementing, and maintaining AI/ML solutions. However, due to the AI/ML skills gap, many organizations report difficulty hiring experts. As a result, we expect AWS Machine Learning -Specialty to be more popular than ever before. 5. AWS Certified Security - Specialty According to the Mandiant Cyber Security Forecast 2024, attacks targeting cloud environments will be prevalent this year. In addition, data protection and privacy compliance is becoming increasingly important around the world, including GDPR in Europe and CCPA in California. With the growing need for cloud security skills, the average salary for security professionals with AWS Certified Security - Specialty has increased by about 11% over the past year. (Source: Skillsoft) Conclusion The AWS certifications introduced in this article demonstrate cloud expertise. It is good to improve your competitiveness with having the AWS certifications which is the best cloud service provider in the world. If you're looking to demonstrate your AWS knowledge in the ever-evolving and fast-paced world of cloud technology, then get AWS certifications. Links The 20 Top-Paying IT Certifications going into 2024 - Skillsoft AWS Certification - Validate AWS Cloud Skills - Get AWS Certified Top 5 Highest-Paying AWS Certifications - Skillsoft

  • AWS IAM for Beginners: Master the Core Concepts in 10 Minutes (1/2)

    AWS IAM for Beginners: Master the Core Concepts in 10 Minutes (1/2) - Exploring IAM Components: Users, Groups, Roles, and Policies Written by Hyojung Yoon Hello everyone! It's been a while since I've written an AWS blog. For those new to AWS, IAM might seem a bit complex at first. I remember it took me quite some time to fully grasp IAM myself. However, IAM is a crucial service that forms the foundation of security and access control in the AWS environment. It's an essential service that you must understand to effectively manage your AWS resources. In this blog post, I'll explain the basic concepts and importance of IAM in an easy-to-understand manner. Context What is AWS IAM? IAM Components Users Groups Policies Roles IAM User Management Things to consider when creating an IAM user Access key and secret access key How to set user permissions Direct policy attachment vs Group policy attachment Principle of least privilege IAM Policies Deep Dive Policy types Writing policies and important considerations Policy components Policy writing considerations Leveraging IAM Roles IAM role use cases and examples Cross-account access management Comparing IAM roles and policies Conclusion What is AWS IAM? AWS IAM (Identity and Access Management) is a service that allows you to securely control access to AWS services and resources. Simply put, it acts as the gatekeeper of your AWS environment, managing who can do what. With IAM, you can create and manage users, groups, and roles, and finely control access permissions to AWS resources. Using IAM allows you to: Prevent security incidents by granting only the minimum necessary permissions. Easily create and manage access control policies for various scenarios. Optimize costs by restricting unnecessary resource usage. Simplify compliance with corporate security policies and regulatory requirements. Key Features of IAM Shared access to your AWS accoun t: Grant others permission to manage AWS resources without sharing your credentials. Granular permissions : Give different people different levels of access to specific resources. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) : Add an extra layer of security to prevent unauthorized access. Identity Federation : Provide temporary access to AWS resources for users who already have passwords elsewhere, such as in your corporate network or with an internet identity provider. IAM Components IAM consists of four main components: Users, Groups, Roles, and Policies . Policies define detailed permission settings, which are then attached to role, users, or groups. These roles are in turn linked to users or AWS resources to set their permissions. 1. Users IAM users represent individuals or services that use AWS. After creating an IAM user, you can generate the following credentials: A password for logging into the management console Access credentials (access key ID and secret access key) These credentials are different from root user security credentials and are defined for only one AWS account. 2. Groups Groups are collections of users with the same permission s. For example, you can create groups like 'Development Team' or 'Operations Team'. Groups are useful when you need to assign common permissions to multiple users, simplifying the process of managing permissions for several users. Note that IAM groups, unlike IAM users or roles, don't have their own credentials. 3. Policies Policies are JSON documents that define permissions in AWS. They specify rules to allow or deny access to specific resources. These policies are attached to IAM users, groups, and roles. The main elements of a policy are ' Effect ', ' Action ', and ' Resource '. The basic JSON policy structure is as follows: { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": ["s3:GetObject", "s3:PutObject"], "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::example-bucket/*" } ] } Effect Can be either "Allow" or "Deny". It determines whether the statement allows or denies specific actions. Action Defines the actions that can be performed. For example: "s3:GetObject" You can specify multiple actions using wildcards Resource Specifies the AWS resources to which the actions apply. It uses Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) to identify resources. You can specify multiple actions at once using wildcards. * A Quick Note on Permissions : Permissions are the core concept for controlling access to AWS services. They allow you to specify the level of access for users or services very precisely. Characteristics of Permissions: Granularity : Access rights can be specified down to a very detailed level. Flexibility : Permissions can be adjusted to suit various scenarios. Enhanced Security : By granting only necessary permissions, you can improve overall security. Policies are like the rulebooks of IAM. They're essentially JSON documents that bundle together sets of permissions. In other words, a policy is a document that defines what a user can and can't do in your AWS account. 4. Roles IAM roles are a feature that allows you to grant temporary permissions to users or services . IAM roles enable flexible management of permissions needed for specific tasks. Roles use temporary credentials to grant permissions, which is more secure as it doesn't require long-term credentials like access keys. IAM User Management IAM users represent entities that interact with AWS, which could be actual people or applications and services. Each user has unique credentials for accessing AWS resources. 1. Things to consider when creating an IAM user Access Type : AWS Management Console access, programmatic access, or both Permission Scope : Minimum necessary permissions for the user's tasks Group Membership : Manage users with similar roles in groups Password Policy : Apply policies that enforce strong password usage 2. Access keys and Secret access keys These are credentials that allow users to access AWS programmatically. They must be stored securely and immediately changed or deactivated if compromised. 3. How to set user permissions 1) Direct Policy Attachment vs. Group Policy Attachment Direct Policy Attachment : Used when individual users need specific permissions. Group Policy Attachment : Applies permissions to multiple users with similar roles simultaneously. 2) Principle of least privilege This principle involves granting users only the minimum permissions necessary for their tasks, preventing security incidents caused by unnecessary permission grants. IAM Policies Deep Dive 1. Policy Types AWS managed policies : Pre-defined policies provided by AWS for common use cases. Customer managed policies : Policies created and managed by users for specific requirements. Inline policies : Policies directly included in a specific user, group, or role. 2. Policy writing considerations { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "s3:GetObject", "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::example-bucket/*" "Condition": { "IpAddress": { "aws:SourceIp": ""}} } ] } 1) Policy Components Version : Specifies the policy document version. It's recommended to use the latest version ' 2012-10-17 '. Statement: This is the container that holds the main elements of a policy document. It can include one or more statements. Effect : This defines the result of the policy. It can have two values: 'Allow' or 'Deny'. In our example, we're allowing access (' Allow '). Action : This specifies what actions the policy allows or denies. For instance, in our example, we're allowing the S3 object retrieval action (' s3:GetObject '). Resource : This identifies the AWS resources to which the policy applies. In our example, we're targeting all objects (' * ') in the ' example-bucket '. Condition : This defines the conditions under which the policy applies. Our example uses the ' aws:SourceIP ' condition to allow access only from a specific IP address range, ' '. 2) Policy Writing Considerations Adhere to the Principle of Least Privilege : Enhance security by granting only the minimum necessary permissions. Use wildcards(*) cautiously : Use carefully to prevent granting excessive permissions. Implement explicit denials when necessary(Deny) : Takes precedence over Allow, and should be set explicitly when needed. Utilizing IAM Roles 1. Concept and Use Cases of IAM Roles IAM roles are tools for setting specific permissions for IAM users. They are used for authentication and granting temporary access rights to specific AWS resources within an AWS account. For example, you can set up a role to allow an EC2 instance to access an S3 bucket. Both roles and users are AWS credentials that determine what actions can and cannot be performed in AWS according to permission policies. However, roles are not associated with a specific individual and can be assumed by anyone who needs that role. Also, roles don't have standard long-term credentials like passwords or access keys; instead, they provide temporary security credentials. IAM role use cases: EC2 instance accessing S3 bucket : You can grant an IAM role to an EC2 instance to allow it to access an S3 bucket. This allows applications running on the EC2 instance to securely access the S3 bucket. Cross-account access management : You can securely share resources across multiple AWS accounts. For example, you can use roles to safely allow users in a development account to access resources in a production account. Using AWS services : Lambda functions or other AWS services can use roles to access other AWS resources. Providing temporary credentials : You can set up temporary credentials for specific tasks. This enhances security and reduces the risk of long-term credential exposure. 2. Cross-Account Access Management You can use IAM roles to securely share resources across multiple AWS accounts. For example, you can use roles to safely allow users in a development account to access resources in a production account. 3. Comparing IAM Roles and Policies IAM Role IAM Policy Target All specified targets One IAM user, separated by account Credential Type Temporary authorization method Long-term or permanent authorization method Permission Acquisition Method Access allowed only during specified time Access allowed as long as policy is attached Use Cases EC2 instances, Lambda functions, temporary permission management Used for specific resources with detailed access control Components Trusted entity, permission policy Effect, Action, Resource, Condition Main Purpose Enhancing security and flexible permission management Detailed access control Conclusion Through this AWS IAM guide, we've explored the core of IAM. By understanding and applying each component of IAM - users, groups, roles, and policies - in real-world environments, you can manage your AWS environment more securely and efficiently. I hope this guide serves as a solid first step in strengthening your AWS security. In the upcoming practical IAM guide, we'll cover IAM setup and hands-on exercises focusing on real-world cases, so stay tuned! Links What is IAM? - AWS Identity and Access Management Policies and permissions in IAM - AWS Identity and Access Management IAM roles - AWS Identity and Access Management IAM users - AWS Identity and Access Management Using IAM roles - AWS Identity and Access Management Managed policies and inline policies - AWS Identity and Access Management

  • Are AWS Certifications worth it? : AWS SA-Professional 4

    Are AWS Certifications worth it? : AWS SA-Professional (SAP) Certification 4 Written by Minhyeock Cha It's been a while since I last tackled SAP exam questions. With my certification renewal date approaching, I thought it would be a good time to return and share some tips and solutions for the exams I've taken so far. This post will focus entirely on solving certification exam questions. Although it may not directly address the question "Is it really useful?" as the blog title suggests, I'll make sure to include plenty of valuable tips to help you succeed. Question 1. Your company is storing millions of sensitive transactions across thousands of 100-GB files that must be encrypted in transit and at rest. Analysts concurrently depend on subsets of files, which can consume up to 5 TB of space, to generate simulations that can be used to steer business decisions. You are required to design an AWS solution that can cost effectively accommodate the long-term storage and in-flight subsets of data. Ⓐ Use Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) with server-side encryption, and run simulations on subsets in ephemeral drives on Amazon EC2. Ⓑ Use Amazon S3 with server-side encryption, and run simulations on subsets in-memory on Amazon EC2. Ⓒ Use HDFS on Amazon EMR, and run simulations on subsets in ephemeral drives on Amazon EC2. Ⓓ Use HDFS on Amazon Elastic MapReduce (EMR), and run simulations on subsets in-memory on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). Ⓔ Store the full data set in encrypted Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) volumes, and regularly capture snapshots that can be cloned to EC2 workstations. Solutions Since it's been a while, I decided to start with a simple and straightforward problem. This question can be easily solved with basic AWS knowledge and an understanding of storage concepts (e.g., storing more data but with slower access, storing less data but with faster access). Key points from the question are: Daily storage of 100GB of transactions Up to 5TB of storage space Long-term storage Cost-effective solution We can break down the solution based on these four key points. Using the storage concepts mentioned earlier, we can evaluate the options provided: S3, HDFS on EMR, and EBS. Given that S3 is significantly cheaper compared to other storage options, anyone familiar with AWS would know to eliminate the other choices. Additionally, long-term storage correlates directly with cost efficiency, making S3 the obvious answer. 💡 HDFS incurs additional costs related to usage and cluster maintenance, making S3 the obvious answer. Now, we're left with options A and B. The idea of running simulations using EC2 memory suggests that... If you're confident in covering server costs, option B might be viable. However, for those looking to optimize costs, option A is the recommended choice. Answer: A Question 2. You are looking to migrate your Development (Dev) and Test environments to AWS. You have decided to use separate AWS accounts to host each environment. You plan to link each accounts bill to a Master AWS account using Consolidated Billing. To make sure you keep within budget you would like to implement a way for administrators in the Master account to have access to stop, delete and/or terminate resources in both the Dev and Test accounts. Identify which option will allow you to achieve this goal. Ⓐ Create IAM users in the Master account with full Admin permissions. Create cross-account roles in the Dev and Test accounts that grant the Master account access to the resources in the account by inheriting permissions from the Master account. Ⓑ Create IAM users and a cross-account role in the Master account that grants full Admin permissions to the Dev and Test accounts. Ⓒ Create IAM users in the Master account. Create cross-account roles in the Dev and Test accounts that have full Admin permissions and grant the Master account access. Ⓓ Link the accounts using Consolidated Billing. This will give IAM users in the Master account access to resources in the Dev and Test accounts Solutions The question requires a consolidated billing architecture post-migration under the assumption of using separate Dev and Test accounts. The accounts are divided as follows but are structured to allow consolidated billing through AWS Organizations, enabling unified billing. The key challenge here is to prevent budget overruns by allowing the administrator of the master account to implement a way to stop, delete, and/or terminate resources in both the Dev and Test accounts. This involves permission assignment, thus eliminating option D immediately. The core of this problem is not just about viewing the organization structure but focusing on IAM role switching. Resource interference from the master account to other accounts is not a native feature of the organization service, necessitating the implementation of IAM role switching. Steps to Solve: Create an IAM user in the master account. Create an Admin role in both the Dev and Test accounts. By setting up this structure, the master account can control resources in other accounts. Evaluation of Options: Option A:  Incorrect, because creating an Admin policy in the master account does not grant control over other accounts' resources. Option B:  Incorrect, because it creates cross-account roles without allowing access from the master account. Option C:  Correct, as it involves setting up the necessary roles and permissions to allow resource control from the master account. Answer: C Question 3 A company has a web application that allows users to upload short videos. The videos are stored on Amazon EBS volumes and analyzed by custom recognition software for categorization. The website contains static content that has variable traffic with peaks in certain months. The architecture consists of Amazon EC2 instances running in an Auto Scaling group for the web application and EC2 instances running in an Auto Scaling group to process an Amazon SQS-queue. The company wants to re-architect the application to reduce operational overhead using AWS managed services where possible and remove dependencies on third-party software. Which solution meets these requirements? Ⓐ Use Amazon ECS containers for the web application and Spot instances for the Scaling group that processes the SQS queue. Replace the custom software with Amazon Rekognition to categorize the videos. Ⓑ Store the uploaded videos in Amazon EFS and mount the file system to the EC2 instances for the web application. Process the SQS queue with an AWS Lambda function that calls the Amazon Rekognition API to categorize the videos. Ⓒ Host the web application in Amazon S3. Store the uploaded videos in Amazon S3. Use S3 event notification to publish events to the SQS queue. Process the SQS queue with an AWS Lambda function that call the Amazon Rekognition API to categorize the videos. Ⓓ Use AWS Elastic Beanstalk to launch EC2 instances in an Auto Scaling group for the application and launch a worker environment to process the SQS queue. Replace the custom software with Amazon Rekognition to categorize the videos. Solutions This question involves modernizing an existing application currently operated on EC2 instances. Key Points: The site has variable traffic with peaks during certain months and serves "static content." Minimize overhead and remove dependencies. Combine the above key points to identify the correct solution among the provided options. When thinking of static content, you might immediately consider the classic combination of CloudFront and S3. If you thought of this and chose option C, you can move on to the next question. Answer: C However, to provide more detail and context, let's delve into why option C is the correct choice by exploring its architecture and setup. For static content web app hosting and video uploads, S3 buckets are used. 💡 S3 supports web hosting, which is appropriate for static content as mentioned in the question. However, for scenarios requiring WAS (Web Application Server) operations, this wouldn't be the most efficient method. Using CloudFront in front would enhance performance, but since it's not listed in the options, we'll exclude it for now. S3 can trigger events to specific targets. In this scenario, it triggers an SQS queue when new videos are uploaded to the bucket. The SQS queue is then processed by a Lambda function. This Lambda function uses Rekognition for video classification, organizing the videos back into the S3 bucket. This problem can be a bit tricky because all the provided services are designed to be operationally feasible, making it difficult to identify the incorrect option. Therefore, it’s a good idea to clearly understand the core points of the problem and review the options again. The key points of the problem are: The site has variable traffic with peaks during certain months and serves "static content." Minimize overhead and remove dependencies. While static content can be managed easily, minimizing overhead and dependencies requires an architecture that involves minimal manual intervention, utilizing AWS-managed services. Evaluating Other Options Option A:  Uses ECS, which involves managing containers and underlying EC2 instances, thus requiring more human resources. Option B:  Relies on EC2, which again involves managing the servers directly, leading to higher overhead. Option D:  Utilizes Elastic Beanstalk, which abstracts some management but still requires handling of the compute resources. In contrast, option C utilizes fully managed AWS services, aligning with the problem's core requirement of minimizing overhead and dependencies. Conclusion I hope the AWS SA certification questions we covered today have been helpful to you. If you have any questions about the solutions, notice any errors, or have additional queries, please feel free to contact us anytime at .

  • AWS Case Study - Dailyshot | SmileShark

    How was Dailyshot able to become Korea's largest liquor platform with cloud-based scalability? Context Challenges in Infrastructure Management Due to Service Growth Challenges Before Implementation Reason for Choosing SmileShark CloudFront Cost Optimization and System Stability Improvement Improved Service Stability and Performance AWS Cost and Operation Optimization Continuous Innovation and Strengthening Partnership Dailyshot's future plan Detailed Services applied to Dailyshot Dailyshot Architecture Introduced SmileShark Services Dailyshot Dailyshot is Korea's leading online liquor platform. Despite the massive size of the Korean liquor market at 29 trillion won annually, online penetration is less than 1%. In the first half of 2020, revisions to liquor regulations made smart ordering of liquor possible. Since then, Dailyshot has been providing a liquor smart order service through its app, allowing users to purchase premium liquor at reasonable prices and pick it up at nearby partner stores.  Dailyshot offers convenient liquor services through its partner service, where users can pick up liquor from general restaurants or cafes rather than specialized liquor stores; its store service, which connects customers with liquor shops and over 8,600 CU convenience stores nationwide; and its delivery service, which allows customers to receive traditional Korean liquors and imported liquors via parcel delivery. As of May 2024, Dailyshot has achieved monthly transactions of 4.8 billion won, 700,000 monthly active users, 1.6 million cumulative app installations, and partnerships with over 3,000 stores. In just three years since its launch, it has established itself as Korea's largest liquor platform. Name    Dailyshot Area    Liquor playform Estab. March, 2018 Site Challenges in Infrastructure Management Due to Service Growth Challenges Before Implementation Q.  What were the challenges before meeting SmileShark? A.  Dailyshot was experiencing difficulties in infrastructure expansion due to the rapid growth of its service. As a startup, it was challenging to hire team members dedicated to managing infrastructure. Especially as service growth accelerated in 2021, the demand for infrastructure maintenance increased, but the existing development team did not have sufficient resources to respond to this. As traffic and customer inflow increased dramatically, there was a lack of technical resources and expertise needed for effective management. Additionally, we needed a channel to receive the necessary infrastructure knowledge and technical support as our service grew. In this situation, the Dailyshot development team sought collaboration with SmileShark, which could provide AWS technical support to solve these two issues: infrastructure knowledge and technical support. Reasons for Choosing SmileShark Q.  So, why did you choose SmileShark? A. There were two reasons why Dailyshot chose SmileShark. The first reason was how the manager in charge of the contract treated us. While exploring how SmileShark and Dailyshot could collaborate, communication went beyond simple contract signing to understand each other's needs. At the time of implementation, Dailyshot considered smooth communication as the most important factor. We believed that if smooth communication was achieved, the expected technical support would also be provided normally. The second reason was that SmileShark is also a startup like us. We thought that the collaborative process where both companies could grow together would become a great asset in the future. CloudFront Cost Optimization and System Stability Improvement Improved Service Stability and Performance Q.  Were there any improvements after SmileShark became Dailyshot’s partner? A. There were several improvements after partnering with SmileShark. First, we were able to receive support for infrastructure technical knowledge that the Dailyshot development team did not possess, which contributed to improving the stability and performance of the service. Also, we were able to reduce cloud infrastructure costs by more than 40% through cost savings and infrastructure optimization via technical support. The collaboration with SmileShark significantly eased Dailyshot's technical and financial burdens. Q. How was the technical support through SmileShark? A. The technical support through SmileShark was very fast and efficient. We were able to effectively solve problems through detailed explanations and sharing of reference documents. By addressing issues with various possibilities open, we were able to derive accurate problem definitions and solutions.It was impressive that they didn't simply pass over inquiries when additional materials were needed, but instead meticulously sought clarification. Also, during the service collaboration process with partners, there were aspects that we couldn't verify on our own in the new configuration process, and we needed technical feedback from professional engineers. We were able to get quick answers through SmileShark's support center engineers. This support was a great help for Dailyshot to accurately define and solve infrastructure problems. I recommend choosing SmileShark as a strategy to focus more on business by controlling risks that could miss both business and technology at the same time. - Heejae Choi, Dailyshot CTO AWS Cost and Operation Optimization Q.  You mentioned CloudFront discounts earlier. Did you see effects on cost savings as well? A. Yes, we saw significant effects on cost savings through the CloudFront cost discount policy. In particular, the cost of image asset transfer was reduced by more than 70%. This greatly helped in managing our company's overall infrastructure costs and allowed us to reinvest the budget in other important development areas. Also, there were points where we might have missed or found it harder to save more costs if we had proceeded without a partner. Through SmileShark's consulting, we were able to clearly identify where we could save costs and what actions we should avoid. Continuous Innovation and Strengthening Partnership Q.  Were there any other good points besides technical support? A. The response of the manager in charge was good. In particular, I felt that they treated Dailyshot not simply as a client to whom they should provide services, but as a companion growing together. It felt good to think about problems together and discuss future directions. Q.  Could you please give a word of advice that might help those considering choosing SmileShark? A. Even for teams or companies that provide services through technology, I believe that technology cannot take precedence over business. However, there comes an ironic point when more resources are needed for technology in order to do business well. Of course, solving problems on your own is a good way to grow the team or gain experience, but there's a risk of missing both business and technology at the same time if you're not careful. To control this risk, I recommend choosing SmileShark as a strategy to focus more on business. I would recommend SmileShark to: Companies that find it burdensome to create a specialized infrastructure development team or hire dedicated developers Teams expecting collaboration rather than just using a solution Teams that value smooth communication Dailyshot’s future plan Dailyshot aims to be more than just a platform for purchasing liquor; we want to be a company that influences all markets related to liquor. We plan to directly import and launch various products that customers want and need in Korea, collaborate with traditional breweries to produce and distribute new alcoholic beverages, and expand our business into global services by entering overseas pickup services and duty-free businesses.  In this process, we aim to create a virtuous cycle where importers, liquor wholesalers, and affiliated stores that work with Dailyshot all grow together. We want to contribute to the formation of a healthy liquor market while providing a wide variety of alcoholic beverages to the customers. Detailed Services applied to Dailyshot Dailyshot Architecture Introduced SmileShark Services SmileShark CloudFront | Fast and Secure Developer-friendly Content Delivery Network SmileShark Tech Support | Get expert guidance and assistance achieving your objectives

  • BCM Educational Group CaseStudy

    About the Customer BCM Educational Group has been leading the industry for 41 years with the goal of “providing the best educational experience that allows you to speak English continuously, little by little every day, anytime, anywhere”. Through FIT-Korean English management and 'BCM U-Phone' service, it was ranked first in consumer preference in the phone English and English conversation categories for six consecutive years, and in the case of classes by foreign instructors, 99.4% satisfaction was achieved. In particular, BCM U-Phone supports an environment where students can learn English conversation anytime, anywhere, even in a non-face-to-face environment, and is leading the domestic phone English market by proposing a variety of curricula according to the purpose of learning. Customer Challenge BCM has been continuously expanding its business scale over the past few years, showing consistent growth. Along with this growth, the usage of cloud services has significantly increased. To improve infrastructure cost efficiency while maintaining business growth momentum, BCM aims to carefully review the current cloud infrastructure and reduce operating costs by removing or optimizing unnecessary resources. Simultaneously, they are considering reviewing business processes to increase efficiency and modernizing the technology stack to introduce more cost-effective solutions. They plan to minimize the license costs of existing Microsoft workloads and prepare for modernization without issues in the production environment. Needed solutions for management and cost issues of existing MSSQL Requested to change OS from existing Windows-based servers to Linux Needed solutions to minimize service impact and resolve downtime issues during migration Required redundancy to minimize downtime and enable automatic service recovery Automated CI/CD pipelines for web services and back-office programs Needed solutions for potential data loss Required real-time performance monitoring and alert settings Desired consistently better performance compared to the existing environment even after modernization Proposed Solution Recommended cost reduction through modernization from existing MSSQL Supported OS change through EBS volume snapshots and configure basic settings through Systems Manager after the change Proposed monitoring and migration using DMS to ensure no impact on service operations Secured high availability by configuring EC2 and databases with multi-AZ (Availability Zone) deployment Automated source code build and deployment through AWS CodePipeline Recommended enabling automatic daily snapshot backups for databases Detected resource usage and configuration changes through CloudWatch and Config, and send real-time notifications via SNS Configured AWS fully managed relational database engine Aurora to improve performance and minimize downtime AWS Tools and technology Computing AWS EC2 AWS Lambda Storage Amazon Simple Storage Service Database Amazon Aurora MySQL Amazon ElastiCache for Redis Network AWS VPC AWS NAT Gateway AWS Internet Gateway Amazon Route53 Amazon CloudFront AWS Elastic Load Balancer Production AWS CodePipeline AWS CodeCommit AWS CodeBuild AWS CodeDeploy AWS Chime AWS Polly Monitoring AWS CloudWatch AWS CloudTrail AWS Config Security AWS WAF AWS KMS AWS Certificate Manager Outcomes of Project & Success Metrics Achieved over 40% cost reduction and eliminated license fees through modernization to Aurora Accomplished data protection, automated initial configuration, system standardization, operational efficiency, enhanced security, and compliance simultaneously through EBS snapshots and AWS Systems Manager Completed zero-downtime migration to Aurora using DMS Achieved high availability with Multi-AZ configuration, enabling continuous service even in the event of failures Completed production deployment with minimal manpower through automated build and deployment of source code Minimized data loss by enabling automatic daily snapshot backups Implemented a more stable service through real-time alert notifications Improved performance by more than 5 times and reduced downtime by over 50% with Aurora MySQL configuration Lesson Learned Achieved cost improvements while eliminating licensing costs through modernization, resulting in improved performance Architecture design considering elasticity and scalability in consideration of future user and capacity increase trend Increase data protection and operational efficiency through automatic backup

  • 우리는 서버리스 시대에 살고 있습니다. “Kinesis” 서버 없는 파이프라인

    우리는 서버리스 시대에 살고 있습니다. “Kinesis” 서버 없는 파이프라인 Written by Minhyeok Cha 원래는 바로 작성하려 했으나, 회사 일정이 겹쳐서 시간이 많이 지났습니다. 한 달 정도 지나긴 했지만, 바로 이어서 Kinesis Data Stream에 대한 설명과 다른 서비스와의 조합 사례를 작성해 보겠습니다. Kinesis는 이전 블로그에서도 언급했듯이, Kafka에서 한번 늘린 파티션(partition)은 다시 줄일 수 없습니다. 반면 Kinesis의 샤드(shard)는 유입되는 데이터의 양에 따라 증설 및 감축이 자유롭기 때문에 운영과 비용 관리가 용이합니다. 💡 데이터 스트림을 처음 접하신다 하면 설치와 구성, 운영이 편한 Kinesis로 시작하는 것을 추천드립니다. Kinesis Data Stream은 리소스 자체를 생성하는 것은 간단하지만, 데이터 인・아웃풋 과정은 SDK, API 사용을 요구하기 때문에 테스트로 제공되는 툴을 사용한 데모와 몇 가지 사용 사례를 통해 쉽게 설명하겠습니다. 지금부터 몇 가지 사례와 간단한 데모를 통해 쉽게 설명해 보겠습니다. 목차 Kinesis Data Stream 내부 흐름 이론 파티션 키(Partition Key) 시퀀스 번호(Sequence Number) 소비자가 데이터를 읽을 때(SDK) Kinesis 사용 사례 Kinesis Firehose를 사용한 경우 앞뒤에 Kinesis Data Stream이 있는 경우 Kinesis 찍먹 데모 마무리 Kinesis Data Stream 내부 흐름 이론 AWS Kinesis Data Stream 또한 이전의 MSK와 마찬가지로 라이브 데이터 스트리밍 전송이 가능하여, 실시간 데이터를 AWS 클라우드로 스트리밍하거나 실시간 비디오 처리를 담당하는 완전 관리형 서비스입니다. 프로듀서가 데이터를 보내면 해시 함수(hash function)를 거쳐 위와 같이 레코드 값에 파티션 키(Partition Key)를 추가하고, 샤드 ID와 시퀀스 번호(Sequence Number)가 반환됩니다. 파티션 키(Partition Key) 파티션 키는 레코드를 특정 샤드에 할당하는 데 사용됩니다. Kinesis는 파티션 키를 해싱하여 해당 레코드가 어느 샤드에 들어갈지를 결정합니다. 같은 파티션 키를 가진 레코드들은 동일한 샤드로 보내집니다. 이를 통해 특정 파티션 키와 연관된 데이터가 같은 샤드에 위치하도록 보장할 수 있습니다. 시퀀스 번호(Sequence Number) 각 레코드가 Kinesis Data Stream에 추가될 때 Kinesis에 의해 자동으로 할당되는 고유한 번호이며 다음과 같은 역할을 합니다. 순서 보장 : 동일한 샤드 내에서 레코드들이 삽입된 순서대로 읽히도록 보장합니다. 소비자는 시퀀스 번호를 사용하여 레코드의 순서를 추적하고, 필요에 따라 특정 시퀀스 번호 이후의 레코드를 읽을 수 있습니다. 중복 방지 : 동일한 레코드가 여러 번 처리되지 않도록 하기 위해 사용될 수 있습니다. 예를 들어, 소비자는 마지막으로 처리한 레코드의 시퀀스 번호를 저장하고, 이후 처리할 때 이 값을 기준으로 새로운 레코드만 읽을 수 있습니다. 소비자가 데이터를 읽을 때 (SDK) 소비자는 특정 샤드에서 순차적으로 데이터를 스트리밍합니다. 이는 소비자의 SDK를 통해 조율할 수 있으며, 상세한 내용은 링크를 참고하시기 바랍니다. AT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER : 필드에 지정된 시퀀스 번호가 표시된 위치부터 스트리밍을 시작합니다 . AFTER_SEQUENCE_NUMBER : 필드에 지정된 시퀀스 번호가 표시된 위치 바로 뒤에서 스트리밍을 시작합니다 . AT_TIMESTAMP : 필드에 지정된 타임스탬프가 표시된 위치부터 스트리밍을 시작합니다 . TRIM_HORIZON : 샤드에서 트리밍되지 않은 마지막 레코드(샤드에서 가장 오래된 데이터 레코드)에서 스트리밍을 시작합니다. LATEST : 항상 샤드의 최신 데이터를 읽을 수 있도록 샤드의 가장 최근 기록 바로 다음에 스트리밍을 시작합니다. ※ SDK로 Consumer를 조율하시는 분들은 필수입니다. Kinesis는 에이전트와 라이브러리, 데이터 파이프라인 구조를 쉽게 만들 수 있는 방법을 제공합니다. 이를 통해 콘솔 상에서도 간편히 사용할 수 있어 Low 레벨의 API를 사용하는 것보다 구성이 더 쉬워졌습니다. Kinesis 사용사례 아실 분들은 아시겠지만, AWS Kinesis는 Data Stream뿐만 아니라 Firehose, Apache Flink 총 세 가지의 작동 방식을 갖고 있습니다. Kinesis Firehose 데이터 전송에 특효 Kinesis Apache Flink 스트리밍 애플리케이션 빌드 및 실행 Firehose는 간단하지만, Apache Flink는 Apache Zeppelin 대시보드를 사용해 코드 영역까지 다루기 때문에 설명이 길어질뿐더러 이번 글의 주요서비스가 아니기 때문에 설명은 생략하겠습니다. 이를 참고하여 두 가지 사용 사례를 아키텍처와 함께 설명하겠습니다. Kinesis Firehose를 사용한 경우 개인적으로 가장 자주 사용하며 쉬운 구성이라고 생각합니다. Firehose는 자체적으로 소스 및 대상을 지정할 수 있기 때문에 연결이 간단합니다. 뿐만 아니라 Firehose를 사용하여 소비자가 직접 샤드를 할당하는 것이 아닌 Stream단위로 선택하여 워크플로우를 연결할 수 있어 매우 편리합니다. 위 설명에 있듯 각각의 샤드가 갖고 있는 데이터가 다르기 때문에 SDK, API 등으로 데이터를 가져올 경우 shard_Id를 지정하여 가져오거나 shard 개수만큼 for loop 문을 사용해 가져와야 합니다. 앞뒤에 Kinesis Data Stream이 있는 경우 Apache Flink에서 Data Stream에 데이터를 KPL을 통해 다시 저장합니다. 이 방식은 위의 Firehose처럼 간단한 작업은 아니지만 Data Stream에 다시 연결하면서 AWS 타 서비스와의 연결점을 만드는 파이프라인 구축에 용이합니다. 또한 위의 사례처럼 Firehose를 사용해 각기 다른 서비스를 사용할 수 있다는 장점도 있습니다. Kinesis 찍먹 데모 데모에서는 Kinesis Firehose 사례를 설명하고, Glue Crawler를 사용해 Athena로 데이터를 출력하는 과정을 보여드릴까 합니다. 앞에 빨간색 서비스 아이콘이 있어도 걱정하지 마세요. 자동으로 만들어진 친구들이 있기 때문에 쉽게 끝낼 수 있습니다. 1. Kinesis Duo를 먼저 생성해야 합니다. Data Stream은 온디맨드로 걸어주세요. 진짜 아무것도 작성 없이도 바로 만들어집니다. Firehose도 위 아키텍처처럼 연결 구성만 해주시고 하단에 S3를 선택해 주시면 됩니다. 2. Amazon Kinesis Data Generator 처음 보는 Kinesis가 나왔지만 놀라지 않으셔도 됩니다. Kinesis Data Generator는 Kinesis에 데이터를 쉽게 삽입할 수 있도록 도와주는 도구입니다. 이를 사용해 데모를 계속 진행해 보겠습니다. 올린 링크를 들어가셔서 cloudformation 템플릿 설치 및 실행 후 cognito 계정 세팅 후 Output에 출력된 링크에 들어가 로그인하여 계속 진행해 주시면 되겠습니다. ※ 해당 링크에 들어가셔서 CloudFormation 템플릿을 다운받아 진행하시면 됩니다. 링크의 내용대로 모두 진행한 후 레코드를 보내면, 웹 개발자 도구를 통해 다음과 같이 확인할 수 있습니다. Kinesis와 S3에도 데이터가 잘 도달했는지 체크해주세요. 3. Glue 세팅 및 크롤링 DB Glue와 크롤러 설정은 간단합니다. S3를 연결하고 크롤링한 데이터를 적재할 DB를 생성한 뒤 사진 상단에 보이는 “Run Crawler” 버튼을 눌러 S3의 데이터를 크롤링합니다. Athena 쿼리 조회 결과, 데이터가 Glue 크롤링 DB에 잘 쌓인 모습을 확인할 수 있습니다. 마무리 이전에 작성한 블로그에서 제가 다음과 같은 말을 한 적이 있습니다. "Kinesis Data Streams에서는 샤드의 개수 조율이 가능합니다." 추가된 샤드에 들어오는 레코드는 새로운 샤드 중 하나에 할당되고, 이는 파티션 키의 해시 값을 기준으로 결정됩니다. 제가 처음 AWS 입문했을 때, Kinesis는 수동으로 샤드를 조정 후 Lambda를 통해 Auto Scaling을 하여 조율하도록 세팅했었습니다. 그러나 이제는 Amazon Kinesis Data Streams 온디맨드가 자동 확장이 가능하다는 것을 알게 되었습니다. MSK와 달리 이런 부분이 비용 절약 및 운영에 많은 도움이 될 것 같습니다. 데모에서도 처음에는 SDK나 Agent를 사용하여 데이터를 삽입하려 했으나, 이것저것 검색해 보니 Amazon Kinesis Data Generator라는 도구 발견하여 쉽게 테스트할 수 있었습니다. 추가적으로 써보는 개인적인 후기 보통 스트림 데이터는 MSK와 Kafka를 많이 사용하기에 저도 Kinesis를 사용해본 것은 AWS 입문 직전에 한두 번 해본 이후로 오랜만이었습니다. AWS 콘솔은 오랜만에 들어가면 콘솔 창이 수시로 업데이트가 되기 때문에 옛날 기억을 더듬어도 힘들더라구요. 그래서 매번 웹서핑하듯 한 번씩 둘러보면서 무엇이 변경되었는가 확인하는 것도 좋을 듯 합니다.

  • Business Post MSP Case Study

    About the Customer Business Post focuses on providing in-depth analysis and forecasts of economic phenomena and economic activities in the real economy and financial economy. Unlike general newspapers that focus on breaking news, our articles focus on digging into the background of events and accidents, pointing out key points, and predicting the future. Company : Business Post Industry : Newspaper Publishing Establishment : 2013.11 ​Website : Customer Challenges Need an AWS expert partner to achieve performance, security, high availability, and cost optimization based on AWS Well-Architected Framework Requires monitoring solution to check the usage of each service Requires redundancy and security services for high security and availability Need a service that blocks aggressive traffic Requires Database migration from On-premise MySQL to RDS MySQL Aurora Proposed Solution & Architecture SmileShark provides a self-developed monitoring tool, "Shark-Mon," ensuring 24/7 operation of applications and services on behalf of the customer. "Shark-Mon" supports protocol monitoring (HTTP, TCP, SSH, DNS, ICMP, gRPC, TLS), AWS resource overview, and Kubernetes monitoring, essential for modern cloud operations. SmileShark also set up CloudWatch to collect and visualize real-time logs, metrics, and event data Operating customer’s services reliably according to SmileShark's devised cloud standard operating procedures (monitoring/failure/change/SLA) and operation service guide. Configure CloudWatch to monitor to collect and visualize real-time logs, metrics, and event data SmileShark provide a guidance to the customer enabling Multi-Factor-Authentication (MFA) to enhance account security SmileShark introduce and configure WAF services to lock aggressive traffic SmileShark configure RDS MySQL Aurora to modernize the customer database SmileShark configure AutoScaling on behalf of the customer to respond to increased traffic SmileShark build Multi-AZ for high availability Outcomes of Project & Success Metrics Reduce average time to discover infrastructure failure through CloudWatch Protect their account resources from abusing by enabling MFA The number of databases going to RDS decreases Continuous service between failures with Multi AZ configuration ※All contents provided by SmileShark are protected by related laws. Civil and criminal responsibilities may follow if you copy, distribute, sell, display, or modify SmileShark content without prior permission. If you have any questions regarding the use of content, please contact us by phone (☎: 0507-1485-2028) or email (

  • AWS Case Study - Ajungnetworks

    How Ajungnetworks Achieved the Management of 16,000 Monthly Customers Through In-house CRM Development Context Difficulties in developing the system in-house and building the infrastructure Challenges Why Ajungnetworks chose SmileShark Container-based workloads through SmileShark's support CI/CD build-up service that enabled the implementation of microarchitecture AWS Cost and Operation Optimization Consulting Future Plans Detailed Services applied to Ajungnetworks What is SmileShark's build-up service? Ajungnetworks Architecture Introduced SmileShark's Services Ajungnetworks, Inc. (Ajungdang) Ajungnetworks Inc. (Ajungdang) is Korea's leading life solution company, integrating into daily lives with familiar products and services. Pursuing customer convenience and ease exclusively, Ajungdang is a venture company that achieved sales of 51.3 billion won within just 2 years and 6 months of its establishment without any external investment. Ajungdang is striving to resolve the information asymmetry that has been a long-standing problem in the market and provide accurate information and transparent services to customers. In addition to the existing internet, communication, and home appliance rental services, Ajungdang is rapidly expanding its business into areas closely related to daily life, such as mobile, MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator), moving services, insurance, and finance. Name    Ajungnetworks, Inc. Area    Life solutions Estab. June, 2021 Site. Difficulties in Developing the System In-house and Building the Infrastructure Challenges Q.  What were the challenges you faced before meeting SmileShark? A.  As our business grew, we experienced a rapid increase in customer inflow and traffic, and we began to feel the limitations of our existing customer management system. We were dissatisfied with standardized, one-way communication through chatbots or GPT. We wanted to provide a Customer Relationship Management Process Maintenance Web System (CRMS) where managers with specialized knowledge in each service sector directly managed the customer relationship system. We urgently needed a systematic and advanced system for customer CS and CX managers. To address this, we decided to develop our own service using the cloud. However, we faced many difficulties in planning and configuring the infrastructure on our own, which made it clear that we needed external support. Why Ajungnetworks Chose SmileShark Q.  So, what made you choose SmileShark? A.  We chose SmileShark because they demonstrated the ability to minimize the learning curve and quickly deploy and test applications through AWS ECS, meeting our requirements . Ajungnetworks was considering introducing container-based workloads for the development of its own service on the cloud. We had concerns about which service would be suitable for container-based workloads and how to efficiently manage the infrastructure. Introduced to SmileShark through AWS, we received in-depth information about SmileShark's various services, expertise, and processes during the initial meeting. SmileShark confidently assured us that they could provide the necessary support we needed, such as technical support, cost management, and infrastructure inspections. "If you are planning to set up an initial system and introduce services related to AWS cloud, we recommend collaborating with SmileShark."  - Hyunki Kim, Research Director of Ajungnetworks, Inc. Container-based workloads through SmileShark's support CI/CD build-up service that enabled the implementation of microarchitecture Q.  How was the CI/CD build-up service through SmileShark? A. With the introduction of AWS Code Series, we were able to quickly implement a microarchitecture that builds container images and deploys containers to AWS ECS service based on the built images when a specific action occurs from Bitbucket as the source. To efficiently use container-based microarchitecture, it was necessary to maintain Bitbucket , which we used as an application source code version control tool, and integrate it with AWS CI/CD services. SmileShark suggested introducing AWS Code Series to maintain Bitbucket and integrate it with the AWS environment. The CRMS system and process itself are heavy, and there are many difficulties because it requires a simultaneous understanding of practical and developmental perspectives. Especially when configuring the code pipeline, we were able to solve the daunting and overwhelming problems through SmileShark's technical support service. Q.  What are the advantages of SmileShark that you felt during the cloud implementation process? A.  While working with SmileShark, we received significant assistance in configuring CRMS. The inquiry procedures and processing processes related to technical issues were straightforward, and faster processing was possible with the care of a dedicated manager. In addition, they always responded kindly to complex inquiries and simple questions, which allowed us to increase work efficiency. AWS Cost and Operation Optimization Consulting Q.  How was SmileShark's cost optimization consulting? A. By receiving cost-related metrics and analyzing the data, we understood the expected level of expenditure. However, due to internal priorities, we have not yet implemented the cost optimization report provided by SmileShark. Q.  Lastly, do you have any advice for those considering choosing SmileShark? A.  If you are planning to set up an initial system and implement services related to AWS cloud , I recommend collaborating with SmileShark. You can professionally and systematically access various services, and for those looking for a collaborative relationship where both operators and practitioners can be satisfied, SmileShark will be a good partner. Ajungnetworks' Future Plan Ajungnetworks Inc. has solidified its position as the number one company in the existing internet, communication, and rental business sectors. Simultaneously, it continues to expand its existing business areas, such as mobile, MVNO, moving services, insurance, and finance, closely related to our daily lives. Ajungnetworks will continue to take on new challenges, such as creating a Web & App community platform for self-employed individuals. As each business sector is rapidly growing, Ajungnetworks plans to enhance CRMS with additional functions tailored to each business group using AWS services. Detailed services applied to Ajungnetworks What is SmileShark's Build-up Service? The build-up service is where SmileShark's cloud engineers and solution architects provide solutions and hands-on support for the challenges faced by customers through the rapid implementation of AWS and accurate specification proposals. SmileShark, as an AWS Advanced Consulting Partner, possesses definite and accurate knowledge and track record in optimal configuration design, migration, and operation management. The build-up service applied to Ajungnetworks is CI/CD build-up, which is suitable for companies that require automation of software development or deployment processes through continuous integration and deployment, and for those who want to quickly provide high-quality software. It guarantees stable deployment through the construction and management of CI/CD pipelines and test automation. Ajungnetworks' Architecture Introduced SmileShark Services SmileShark Build Up | Accurate infra suggestion / Rapid deployment support SmileShark Tech Support | Get expert guidance and assistance achieving your objectives

  • AWS Case Study - Opensurvey

    How did Opensurvey get 1 million+ survey data collection per month through AWS migration? Opensurvey 'The new future of data’ Opensurvey redefines the value of surveys with IT technology and open the era of customer experience management. With research product, they collect the data easily and analyzes customer thoughts and behaviors specifically to help companies to make right decisions based on data. Furthermore, Opensurvey is positioning themselves as a business partner that supports companies’ continuous growth by managing customers, users, and employees survey experience. Name Opensurvey Area Customer data bussiness Estab. Feb, 2011 Site Difficulties in IDC and Cloud environment Challenges Opensurvey frequently found hardware problems while using IDC and local cloud. Also, there was a hassle between the process of bonding data distributed to two sites and Complex processes occurring based on VM. So, Opensurvey decided to implement Kubernetes to fix the problem and considered migrating IDC to the cloud environment. Why SmileShark? Opensurvey used IDC and local cloud at the same time to protect data loss . But they encountered various operational difficulties while using IDC and local cloud. As a result, they needed to migrate their services to AWS for flexible resource scaling and cost optimization to provide better services for the customers. However, it was important how to migrate more than 1 million survey data collected and analyzed every month without losing any data. So, they wanted to migrate safely to AWS with technical supports from SmileShark, AWS Advanced consulting partner specializing in migration. "SmileShark is a great partner to start AWS with. Especially for those who have used IDC or different cloud service platform." - Park Hyunmin, Opensurvey backend chapter lead Adopting Kubernetes to increase organizational flexibility Increased development flexibility Opensurvey leverages various AWS services to increase reliability. In particular, Opensurvey was able to scale up and down flexibly by migrating workloads to Kubernetes and simplified the deployment process which improved developer productivity and made efficient use of resources . Through this, Opensurvey was able to manage unexpected traffic stably even if multiple enterprise customers collected large amounts of data in a short period of time. Since Opensurvey uses the Kubernetes environment, it is easy to apply Spot instances, and when developing new services, Spot instances reduce instance costs by more than 70%, increasing the speed of new development by using them without burden. Increased business flexibility Opensurvey successfully migrated from IDC to AWS through AWS Advanced Partner, SmileShark. In addition, it was possible to respond flexibly to issues compared to the existing IDC by receiving an instance type suitable for the platform characteristics through a partner. Furthermore, increased flexibility allows Opensurvey to accept the requirements of the enterprise customers, enabling business and industry expansion. Hyun-min Park from Opensurvey backend chapter lead developer explains, “As Opensurvey grows, there are many difficulties in stably operating the service through the existing on-premises environment, so we adopted AWS services for greater flexibility.” Park also says, “In addition, we utilize AWS managed services to minimize the developer's resources and operate the service reliably . ” Transition from a consumer data platform to an experience management platform Opensurvey Next Step Opensurvey is opening a new future of data by connecting companies and consumers/users/customers based on survey data. Since the launch of ‘Opensurvey’ in 2011, they have developed a survey-based data collection and analysis product, and launched ( ) in 2022 to expand the product so that not only customers, users but also employee’s experience can be accumulated and managed through survey based data. Currently, the need for continuous user data collection and experience management is increasing, especially in digital companies, so they plan to continuously develop data collection and analysis products as a business partner for mutual growth. Used AWS Services Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service(EKS) Amazon Elastic Container Registry(ECR) Amazon Relational Database Service(RDS) Amazon Aurora MySQL Introduced SmileShark Services SmileShark BuildUp | Accurate infra suggestion / Rapid deployment support SmileShark Migration | SmileShark guides you through the entire migration to AWS SmileShark Tech Support | Get expert guidance and assistance achieving your objectives

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